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Converting function instr from Oracle to PostgreSQL (sql only)


I am working on converting something from Oracle to PostgreSQL. In the Oracle file there is a function:

instr(string,substring,starting point,nth location)

Example: instr(text, '$', 1, 3)

In PostgreSQL this does not exist, so I looked up an equivalent function (4 parameter is important).

I found: The function strpos(str, sub) in Postgres is equivalent of instr(str, sub) in Oracle. Tried options via split_part (it didn't work out). I need the same result only with standard functions Postgres (not own function). Maybe someone will offer options, even redundant in code.

CodePudding user response:

This may be done in pure SQL using string_to_array.

with tab(val) as (
  select 'qwe$rty$123$456$78'
  union all
  select 'qwe$rty$123$'
  union all
  select '123$456$'
  union all
  select '123$456'
  /*Oracle's signature: instr(string , substring [, position [, occurrence ] ])*/
  , case
          string_to_array(substr(val /*string*/, 1 /*position*/), '$' /*substring*/),
        ) < 3 /*occurrence*/   1
      then 0
            string_to_array(substr(val /*string*/, 1 /*position*/), '$' /*substring*/)
        )   1
  end as instr
from tab
val instr
qwe$rty$123$456$78 12
qwe$rty$123$ 12
123$456$ 0
123$456 0

Postgres: fiddle
Oracle: fiddle

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