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Vue form is submitted


Name: & lt; Input type="text" id="txtName"/& gt;

Age: & lt; Input type="text" id="txtAge"/& gt;

New Vue ({
El: '# FRM,
Flag: false
SMT: function () {
Return checkForm ();

The function checkForm () {
Var txtNameObj=document. GetElementById (" txtName ");
Var txtAgeObj=document. GetElementById (" txtAge ");
If (txtNameObj. Value. Length==0) {
Window. The alert (" account can't be empty!" );
TxtNameObj. Focus ();
} else if (txtAgeObj. Value. Length==0) {
Window. The alert (" age can't for empty!" );
TxtAgeObj. Focus ();
. This flag=true;
return true;

Be free and at leisure work Vue, find out how this submit button doesn't trigger, validation is normal, in this way how to change? Thank you very much!
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