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mongodb. how map strings to integers from another collection


I have collection with documents, for example:


And i have collection with values of rates in string:

            "rate_name" : "bad",
            "rate_value" : 1
            "rate_name" : "normal",
            "rate_value" : 2
            "rate_name" : "very_good",
            "rate_value" : 3

I need map data from first collection from array rates with value from second collection and group this values to new field.

For example:


How i can do this?

CodePudding user response:

Here's one way you could do it if "$getField" is available (MongoDB server version 5.0 and above). See below for another option.

    "$lookup": {
      "from": "ratingScale",
      "as": "ratingScale",
      "pipeline": []
    "$set": {
      "rates": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$rates",
          "as": "rate",
          "in": {
            "$getField": {
              "field": "rate_value",
              "input": {
                "$first": {
                  "$filter": {
                    "input": "$ratingScale",
                    "as": "nameValue",
                    "cond": {"$eq": ["$$rate.rate", "$$nameValue.rate_name"]}
  {"$unset": "ratingScale"}

Try it on mongoplayground.net.

If "$getField" is unavailable, here's another way you could do it.

    "$lookup": {
      "from": "ratingScale",
      "as": "ratingScale",
      "pipeline": []
    "$set": {
      "rates": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$rates",
          "as": "rate",
          "in": {
            "$first": {
              "$filter": {
                "input": "$ratingScale",
                "as": "nameValue",
                "cond": {"$eq": ["$$rate.rate", "$$nameValue.rate_name"]}
    "$set": {
      "rates": {
        "$map": {
          "input": "$rates",
          "as": "rate",
          "in": "$$rate.rate_value"
  {"$unset": "ratingScale"}

Try it on mongoplayground.net.

CodePudding user response:

You can do a plain $unwind then $lookup approach.

    $unwind: "$rates"
    "$lookup": {
      "from": "col2",
      "localField": "rates.rate",
      "foreignField": "rate_name",
      "as": "rates"
    "$unwind": "$rates"
    $group: {
      _id: "$_id",
      some_field: {
        $first: "$some_field"
      rates: {
        $push: "$rates.rate_value"

Mongo Playground

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