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Can I make sure that an object value is of type string?


I have this type:

type DropdownProps<T> = {
  data: T[],
  id: keyof T,

The problem is that if I now try to use id it will have the any. I need to make sure that id is either type number or string.

Basically, I want to pass an array of objects and one of the object's keys. That key should return a value of the type string or number.

I don't want to require the key to be called id, but if that's necessary to make it work it would be fine.

CodePudding user response:

Intersect it with the types you want:

type DropdownProps<T> = {
  data: T[],
  id: keyof T & (string | number),


CodePudding user response:

// to limit T type keys:
type DropdownProps<
  T extends Record<string | number, any>,
  K extends keyof T
> = {
  data: T[],
  myId: K,
// to limit picked keys
type DropdownProps<
  T extends Record<any, any>,
  K extends (keyof T) & (string | number)
> = {
  data: T[],
  myId: K,
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