Home > front end >  How to implement webrtc MediaStream object reuse
How to implement webrtc MediaStream object reuse


Now use webrtc, found that the connection is established, can't correct to send and receive audio and video data, the code is as follows:
"Use strict";
//UserMedia configure
Var mediaConstraints={
Audio: true,//We want an audio track
Video: true

Var offerConstraints={
OfferToReceiveAudio: 1,
OfferToReceiveVideo: 1,
VoiceActivityDetection: false

Var myPeerConnection=null;//RTCPeerConnection
Var localStream=null;
Var webStream=null;
Var testsdp=null;
Var dataChannel=null;

//real send function
The function the send (MSG) {
Var msgJSON=JSON. Stringify (MSG);
MySend ({
Address: the document. The getElementById (' name '). The value
}, msgJSON, (err)=& gt; {
If (err) {

The function sendToServer (MSG) {
The console. The log (" send MSG ");
The console. The log (MSG);
Var msgJSON=JSON. Stringify (MSG);
Send (msgJSON);

The function handleNewICECandidateMsg (MSG) {
Try {
Var candidate=new RTCIceCandidate (MSG) candidate);
The console. The log (" * * * Adding received ICE candidate: "+ JSON. The stringify (candidate));

if (! MyPeerConnection) {createPeerConnection (); }
MyPeerConnection. AddIceCandidate (candidate)
{} the catch (err)
ReportError (err);

//called when the receive MSG
The function onMessage (res) {
Var MSG=JSON. Parse (JSON parse (res) data));
The console. The log (" Message received: "+ MSG. Type);
The console. The log (MSG);

The switch (MSG) type) {
Case "video - offer" ://Invitation and offer to chat
HandleVideoOfferMsg (MSG);

Case "video - the answer:"//the Callee has opportunities our offer
HandleVideoAnswerMsg (MSG);

Case "hang - up" ://The other peer has hung up The call
HandleHangUpMsg (MSG);

Case "of" new - ice - candidate:
HandleNewICECandidateMsg (MSG);

Log_error (" Unknown message received: ");
The console. The log (MSG);
//called when RTCPeerConnection. AddStream was called
The function handleAddStream (event) {
The console. The log (" * * * handleAddStream ");
WebStream=event. Streams [0] | | event. The stream;
Document. The getElementById (" received_video "). SrcObject=webStream;
Document. The getElementById (" received_video "). CrossOrigin='*';
Document. The getElementById (" hangup - button "). The disabled=false;

The function handleICECandidateEvent (event) {
If (event. Candidate) {
Console. The log (" * * * Outgoing ICE candidate: "+ event. The candidate. The candidate).

SendToServer ({
Type: "new - ice - candidate,"
Candidate: event. Candidate

The function handleSignalStateChanged (event) {
The console. The log (" * * * * * handleSignalStateChanged * * * * * ");
The console. The log (event)

//create a RTCPeerConnection
The function createPeerConnection () {
The console. The log (" Setting up a connection... ");

MyPeerConnection=new RTCPeerConnection ({" rtcpMuxPolicy ":" require "and" bundlePolicy ":" Max - bundle ", "iceServers" : []});
MyPeerConnection. Ontrack=handleAddStream;
MyPeerConnection. Onicecandidate=handleICECandidateEvent
MyPeerConnection. Onsignalingstatechange=handleSignalStateChanged;
//close the Video call chat
The function closeVideoCall () {
Var localVideo=document. GetElementById (" local_video ");

The console. The log (" Closing the call ");

//Close the RTCPeerConnection

If (myPeerConnection) {
The console. The log (" -- -- & gt; Closing the peer connection ");

If (localVideo. SrcObject) {
LocalVideo. Pause ();
LocalVideo. SrcObject. GetTracks (). The forEach (track=& gt; {
Track. Stop ();

//Close the peer connection

MyPeerConnection. Close ();
//dataChannel. Close ();
Document. The getElementById (" hangup - button "). The disabled=true;
//deal with the hangup MSG
The function handleHangUpMsg (MSG) {
The console. The log (" * * * a Received hang up notification from other peer ");

CloseVideoCall ();
//the click event
The function hangUpCall () {
CloseVideoCall ();

SendToServer ({
Type: "hang - up"

The function sendMsg () {
//dataChannel. Send (" hello, world ");

//the click event to start a video call chat
The function the invite () {
The console. The log (" Starting to prepare an invitation ");
If (myPeerConnection) {
The console. The log (" You can 't start a call because You already have one open!" );
} else {
CreatePeerConnection ();
The navigator. MediaDevices. GetUserMedia (mediaConstraints). Then (function (stream) {
The console. The log (' localStream ');
The console. The log (localStream);
//Adding a local stream won 't trigger the onaddstream callback
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