Home > front end >  I want to reverse a string that has negative numbers by preserving it's format
I want to reverse a string that has negative numbers by preserving it's format


I stuck at this simple scenario & not able to find smart solution to Reverse a string that has negative number.

Example 1:    str = "stack-1flow"  #Expected output- wolf-1kcats

#Note may input contain multiple negative like

Example 2:    str = "-1-2stack-1flow"  #Expected output - wolf-1kcats-2-1

I want to reverse this such that i must preserve negative number format. In my case it is pretty sure that no Hyphen's will appear in input string except from Negative numbers.

Expected output

  1. I've tried normal sort it wont yeild required resulsts(wolf1-kcats - wrong)

    'stack-1flow'[::-1] #outputs wolf1-kcats -wrong
  2. Tried appending to list & then reversed the list yeild same(wolf1-kcats - wrong)

    list('stack-1flow') # ['s', 't', 'a', 'c', 'k', '-', '1', 'f', 'l', 'o', 'w'] #Reversing fails as you can see `-1` not preserved
  3. Tried eval same results.

Note: I prefer Regex will be my last option..Before that I want to take help of 1.9M community people suggests me is there is any way to solve without Regex.

CodePudding user response:

You can do with re,

import re
re.search(r'-\d', s).group().join(map(lambda x:x[::-1], re.split(r'-\d', s)[::-1]))

# 'wolf-1kcats'

Split the string with re.split (using a regex) and revere the list of elements and join the values with the same regex.


For the updated requirements you can do this,

''.join(i if i.lstrip('-').isdigit() else i[::-1] for i in re.split(r"(-?\d )", s)[::-1])
# 'wolf-1kcats-2-1'

CodePudding user response:

Alternative solution, without re:

s = "-1-2-87a"

to_sort = []
i, flag = 0, 0
for ch in s:
    if ch == "-":
        flag = 1
        i  = 1
    elif flag and not ch.isdigit():
        flag = 0
        i  = 1
    i  = not flag

print("".join(s[idx] for _, idx in sorted(zip(to_sort, range(len(s))))))



CodePudding user response:

Here is my plan:

  1. First reverse the whole string: "stack-1flow" -> "wolf1-kcats"
  2. Use the re.sub to reverse the numbers: "1-" -> "-1", "321-" -> "-123"


import re

def reverse_negative_number(match: re.Match):
    result = "".join(reversed(match[0]))
    return result

def reverse_string_with_negative_numbers(input_string):
    print(f"Input:     {input_string}")
    out1 = "".join(reversed(input_string))
    print(f"Reversed1: {out1}")
    out2 = re.sub(r"\d -", reverse_negative_number, out1)
    print(f"Reversed2: {out2}")
    return out2

input_strings = [

for input_string in input_strings:
    result = reverse_string_with_negative_numbers(input_string)


Input:     stack-1flow
Reversed1: wolf1-kcats
Reversed2: wolf-1kcats

Input:     abc-123def-456ghi
Reversed1: ihg654-fed321-cba
Reversed2: ihg-456fed-123cba


  • A little known fact. The re.sub function:

      re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

    can take in a function in place of the replacement, repl. This function must accept a re.Match object.

  • That function in this case is reverse_negative_number, which takes in something like "321-" and reverse it.

  • These functions look long, but because they have a bunch of print() for demo/debug purpose. Once you are happy with the result, you can delete them.

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