I got the result of a query, and want to join it with a mockup table to fill the rows up to a certain number. this is an example where the query has two rows as result, but i always want that to fill it up to 5 (see column slot)
foo | bar |
jhkl | jol |
das | das |
slot | foo | bar |
1 | jhkl | jol |
2 | das | das |
3 | NULL | NULL |
4 | NULL | NULL |
5 | NULL | NULL |
You help is highly appreciated!
CodePudding user response:
You can use a recursive CTE to produce exactly 5 rows every time. For example:
with recursive g (n) as (select 1 union all select n 1 from g where n < 5)
select g.n as slot, x.foo, x.bar
from g
left join (select t.*, row_number() over() as rn from t) x on x.rn = g.n
slot foo bar
----- ----- ----
1 abc def
2 ghi jkl
3 null null
4 null null
5 null null
See running example at db<>fiddle.
CodePudding user response:
This should work on MySQL 5.7:
select s.slot, f.foo, f.bar
(select @row:=0) as _init
cross join (
select 1 as slot union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5
) as s
left outer join
select @row:=@row 1 as slot, foo, bar from foo
) as f using (slot);
------ ------ ------
| slot | foo | bar |
------ ------ ------
| 1 | jhkl | jol |
| 2 | das | das |
| 3 | NULL | NULL |
| 4 | NULL | NULL |
| 5 | NULL | NULL |
------ ------ ------