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Divide columns by a reference row


I need to divide columns despesatotal and despesamonetaria by the row named Total:

enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

Lets suppose your data set is df.

# 1) Delete the last row
     df <- df[-nrow(df),]
# 2) Build the desired data.frame [combining the CNAE names and the proportion columns
     new.df <- cbind(grup_CNAE = df$grup_CNAE,
                     100*prop.table(df[,-1],margin = 2))

Finally, rename your columns. Be careful with the matrix or data.frame formats, because sometimes mathematical operations may suppose a problem. If you you use dput function in order to give us a reproducible example, the answer would be more accurate.

CodePudding user response:

Here is a way to get it done. This is not the best way, but I think it is very readable.

Suppose this is your data frame:

mydf = structure(list(grup_CNAE = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "Total"
), despesatotal = c(71, 93, 81, 27, 39, 311), despesamonetaria = c(7, 
72, 36, 22, 73, 210)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")


#  grup_CNAE despesatotal despesamonetaria
#1         A           71                7
#2         B           93               72
#3         C           81               36
#4         D           27               22
#5         E           39               73
#6     Total          311              210

To divide despesatotal values with its total value, you need to use the total value (311 in this example) as the denominator. Note that the total value is located in the last row. You can identify its position by indexing the despesatotal column and use nrow() as the index value.

mydf |> mutate(percentage1 = despesatotal/despesatotal[nrow(mydf)], 
     percentage2 = despesamonetaria /despesamonetaria[nrow(mydf)])

#  grup_CNAE despesatotal despesamonetaria percentage1 percentage2
#1         A           71                7  0.22829582  0.03333333
#2         B           93               72  0.29903537  0.34285714
#3         C           81               36  0.26045016  0.17142857
#4         D           27               22  0.08681672  0.10476190
#5         E           39               73  0.12540193  0.34761905
#6     Total          311              210  1.00000000  1.00000000

CodePudding user response:


Sample data

# A tibble: 11 x 3
   group despesatotal despesamonetaria
   <chr>        <int>            <int>
 1 1              198              586
 2 2              186              525
 3 3              202              563
 4 4              300              562
 5 5              126              545
 6 6              215              529
 7 7              183              524
 8 8              163              597
 9 9              213              592
10 10             175              530
11 Total         1961             5553

df %>% 
  mutate(percentage_total = despesatotal / last(despesatotal), 
         percentage_monetaria = despesamonetaria/ last(despesamonetaria)) %>%  

# A tibble: 10 x 5
   group despesatotal despesamonetaria percentage_total percentage_monetaria
   <chr>        <int>            <int>            <dbl>                <dbl>
 1 1              198              586           0.101                0.106 
 2 2              186              525           0.0948               0.0945
 3 3              202              563           0.103                0.101 
 4 4              300              562           0.153                0.101 
 5 5              126              545           0.0643               0.0981
 6 6              215              529           0.110                0.0953
 7 7              183              524           0.0933               0.0944
 8 8              163              597           0.0831               0.108 
 9 9              213              592           0.109                0.107 
10 10             175              530           0.0892               0.0954
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