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How to find a distance between categorical data


I plan to calculate distance between categorical data (Distance From First Dataset to Second Dataset)

Here's my dataset

First Dataset

Id    City         Phone
A1    Jakarta      Samsung
A2    Surabaya     Apple
A3    Singapore    Sony

Second Dataset (as Input)

Id    City         Phone
1     Jakarta      Samsung
2     Singapore    Xiaomi
3     Surabaya     Sony

Reference table for City

             Jakarta  Surabaya    Singapore
Jakarta            0         1           2
Surabaya           1         0           1
Singapore          2         1           0

Reference table for Phone

               Apple   Samsung        Sony      Xiaomi
Apple              0         1           2           3
Samsung            1         0           1           2
Sony               2         1           0           1
Xiaomi             3         2           1           0

Second Dataset (as Output) Calculation

Id    City         Phone          A1        A2        A3
1     Jakarta      Samsung       0 0       1 1       2 1
2     Singapore    Xiaomi        1 2       2 3       0 1
3     Surabaya     Sony          1 1       0 2       2 0

As I try to calculate distance between every single rows on first dataset and second dataset Final Output

Id    City         Phone          A1        A2        A3
1     Jakarta      Samsung         0         2         3
2     Singapore    Xiaomi          3         5         1
3     Surabaya     Sony            2         2         2

Notes: A1, A2, A3 is rows in first dataset

What I did is using a lot of joins, but the amount of code is too much

CodePudding user response:

Here is one way to do it. You can cross join the first and second datasets and use .loc lookups by city and phone.

PS - the count you have given in the expected output is incorrect as mentioned in the comments.

df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=[ ["A1","Jakarta","Samsung"], ["A2","Surabaya","Apple"], ["A3","Singapore","Sony"] ], columns=["Id","City","Phone"])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=[ [1,"Jakarta","Samsung"], [2,"Singapore","Xiaomi"], [3,"Surabaya","Sony"] ], columns=["Id","City","Phone"])
city_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[ ["Jakarta",0,1,2], ["Surabaya",1,0,1], ["Singapore",2,1,0] ], columns=["city","Jakarta","Surabaya","Singapore"]).set_index("city")
phone_df = pd.DataFrame(data=[ ["Apple",0,1,2,3], ["Samsung",1,0,1,2], ["Sony",2,1,0,1], ["Xiaomi",3,2,1,0] ], columns=["phone","Apple","Samsung","Sony","Xiaomi"]).set_index("phone")

df1["dummy_key"] = 0
df2["dummy_key"] = 0
final_df = df2.merge(df1, on="dummy_key", how="outer")

final_df["dist"] = final_df.apply(lambda row: city_df.loc[row["City_x"], row["City_y"]]   phone_df.loc[row["Phone_x"], row["Phone_y"]], axis=1)
final_df = final_df.drop(["City_y", "Phone_y", "dummy_key"], axis=1)
final_df = final_df.rename(columns={"Id_x": "Id", "City_x": "City", "Phone_x": "Phone"})
final_df = final_df.pivot(index=["Id", "City", "Phone"], columns="Id_y", values="dist").reset_index()


Id       City    Phone  A1  A2  A3
 1    Jakarta  Samsung   0   2   3
 2  Singapore   Xiaomi   4   4   1
 3   Surabaya     Sony   2   2   1

CodePudding user response:

You can use cross join for all combinations of rows between both DataFrames, then add new columns by DataFrame.join, sum both columns and last reshape by DataFrame.pivot:

df = df2.merge(df1, how='cross', suffixes=('','_'))
df = df.join(City.stack().rename('C'), on=['City','City_'])
df = df.join(Phone.stack().rename('P'), on=['Phone','Phone_'])

df['Both'] = df['C'].add(df['P'])
print (df)
   Id       City    Phone Id_      City_   Phone_  C  P  Both
0   1    Jakarta  Samsung  A1    Jakarta  Samsung  0  0     0
1   1    Jakarta  Samsung  A2   Surabaya    Apple  1  1     2
2   1    Jakarta  Samsung  A3  Singapore     Sony  2  1     3
3   2  Singapore   Xiaomi  A1    Jakarta  Samsung  2  2     4
4   2  Singapore   Xiaomi  A2   Surabaya    Apple  1  3     4
5   2  Singapore   Xiaomi  A3  Singapore     Sony  0  1     1
6   3   Surabaya     Sony  A1    Jakarta  Samsung  1  1     2
7   3   Surabaya     Sony  A2   Surabaya    Apple  0  2     2
8   3   Surabaya     Sony  A3  Singapore     Sony  1  0     1

df = df.pivot(['Id','City','Phone'],'Id_','Both').rename_axis(None, axis=1).reset_index()
print (df)
   Id       City    Phone  A1  A2  A3
0   1    Jakarta  Samsung   0   2   3
1   2  Singapore   Xiaomi   4   4   1
2   3   Surabaya     Sony   2   2   1
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