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Replace span tags with whitespace or parse contents as new column with pandas.read_html


I want to scrape Congressional stock trades from INC and AE

Here is where I found the span tag:

span tag

Company tickers are 1 to 5 characters in length, and I have failed to regex tickers because there are many varieties of company suffixes (e.g., "INC", "CORP", "PLC", "SE", etc.), and not all company names have suffixes.

How can I either replace span tags with whitespace to separate company names and tickers or parse the span as another column?

Here is my code:

import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
from selenium import webdriver
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time
import datetime

def get_url(page=1, pageSize=50, assetType='stock'):
    if page == 1:
        return f'https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades?assetType={assetType}&pageSize={pageSize}'
    elif page > 1:
        return f'https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades?assetType={assetType}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}'
        return None

driver = webdriver.Firefox()
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
tables = soup.find_all('table')
table = pd.read_html(str(tables))[0]

CodePudding user response:

To separate company names and tickers or parse the span as another column aka to get overall neat and clean ResultSet, you can change your tool selection strategy a bit. In this case, It would be better to apply bs4 with pandas DataFrame instead of pd.read_html() method.

Full working code as an example:

import pandas as pd
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.service import Service
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time

driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service(ChromeDriverManager().install()))
#The base url: https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades?assetType=stock&pageSize=50
data = []
for page in range(1, 5):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source, 'lxml')
    for row in soup.select('table.q-table.trades-table > tbody tr'):
        Politician = row.select_one('[] > a').text.strip()
        Politician_info = row.select_one('[]').get_text(' ',strip=True)
        Traded_Issuer = row.select_one('[] > a').text.strip()
        Issuer_ticker =row.select_one('span[]').text.strip()
        Published = row.select_one('[] .q-value').text.strip()
        Traded = row.select_one('[] .q-value')
        Traded = Traded.text.strip() if Traded else None
        Filed_after = row.select_one('[] .q-value').text.strip()
        Owner =row.select_one('[] span').text.strip()
        _type = row.select_one('[]').get_text(strip=True)
        Size = row.select_one('[] > div').get_text(strip=True)
        #Size = Size.text.strip() if Size else None
        Price =row.select_one('[]').text.strip()



df = pd.DataFrame(data)


                   Politician      Politician_info                 Traded_Issuer Issuer_ticker  ...        Owner  Type      Size   Price
0    Debbie Wasserman Schultz    Democrat House FL  ADAMS RESOURCES & ENERGY INC         AE:US  ...        Child  sell  1K - 15K   32.27     
1               Kathy Manning    Democrat House NC                         3M Co        MMM:US  ...       Spouse   buy  1K - 15K  108.95     
2               Kathy Manning    Democrat House NC                 Accenture PLC        ACN:US  ...       Spouse   buy  1K - 15K  250.07     
3               Kathy Manning    Democrat House NC                     Adobe Inc       ADBE:US  ...       Spouse  sell  1K - 15K  286.15     
4               Kathy Manning    Democrat House NC                  Alphabet Inc      GOOGL:US  ...       Spouse   buy  1K - 15K   97.56     
..                        ...                  ...                           ...           ...  ...          ...   ...       ...     ...       
195         Diana Harshbarger  Republican House TN                 CME Group Inc        CME:US  ...        Joint  sell  1K - 15K  176.26       
196         Diana Harshbarger  Republican House TN                 CME Group Inc        CME:US  ...       Spouse  sell  1K - 15K  176.26       
197         Diana Harshbarger  Republican House TN            The Home Depot Inc         HD:US  ...  Undisclosed  sell  1K - 15K  268.69       
198         Diana Harshbarger  Republican House TN            The Home Depot Inc         HD:US  ...  Undisclosed  sell  1K - 15K  268.69       
199         Diana Harshbarger  Republican House TN            The Home Depot Inc         HD:US  ...        Joint  sell  1K - 15K  268.69       

[200 rows x 11 columns]

CodePudding user response:

Btw, you don't need to go through those steps with soup and find_all   -   read_html already uses the same [or at least very similar] parsers as bs4 so you could just have

table = pd.read_html(driver.page_source)[0] # , flavor='lxml')[0] # default

or even directly pd.read_html(get_url(page=1)) - it doesn't always work for all pages, but it seems to work for your page; it won't allow for the solutions I'm about to suggest, but I thought it was worth mentioning this convenience in case you didn't already know.

Anyway, my first solution is going to seem a bit hacky, but it has worked for me so far - since, read_html doesn't seem to have any string-separator argument like bs4's get_text does, we can try to create the same effect by just adding spaces to the end of every tag in the html using .replace.

table = pd.read_html(driver.page_source.replace('</', '&nbsp;</'))

If you are wary of messing with text-replace on html strings, or are worried about adding unwanted spaces (even though it doesn't, as far I have seen), or just want more control of how the text is extracted from table cells, you can also convert the bs4 table tag to a python dictionary using get_text [with space (' ') separator] and list comprehension.

tableSoup = soup.find('table')
tableHeaders = [
    h.get_text(' ', strip=True)
    for h in tableSoup.select('thead tr th')
tableData = [{h: c.get_text(' ', strip=True) for h, c in zip(
    tableHeaders, [cell for cell in r.select('td')]
)} for r in tableSoup.select('tbody tr')]
table = pd.DataFrame(tableData)

You could even replace get_text with your own function if you want to customize how cell values are extracted and/or processed, but as it is, it [and the first method with .replace] creates a DataFrame like:

Politician Traded Issuer Published Traded Filed after Owner Type Size Price
Pete Sessions Republican House TX US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 9 Nov days 1 Undisclosed buy 15K - 50K N/A
Pete Sessions Republican House TX US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 7 Nov days 3 Undisclosed buy 50K - 100K N/A
Pete Sessions Republican House TX US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 7 Nov days 3 Undisclosed buy 1K - 15K N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 3 Nov days 7 Undisclosed sell 250K - 500K N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 3 Nov days 7 Undisclosed sell 500K - 1M N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 3 Nov days 7 Undisclosed sell 250K - 500K N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 7 Nov days 3 Undisclosed sell 250K - 500K N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 3 Nov days 7 Undisclosed sell 250K - 500K N/A
Brad Sherman Democrat House CA US TREASURY NOTE N/A yesterday 14:05 2022 3 Nov days 7 Undisclosed sell 15K - 50K N/A
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democrat House FL ADAMS RESOURCES & ENERGY INC AE:US yesterday 14:05 2022 27 Oct days 14 Child sell 1K - 15K 32.27
Kathy Manning Democrat House NC 3M Co MMM:US yesterday 14:05 2022 12 Oct days 29 Spouse buy 1K - 15K 108.95
Kathy Manning Democrat House NC Accenture PLC ACN:US yesterday 14:05 2022 12 Oct days 29 Spouse buy 1K - 15K 250.07
Kathy Manning Democrat House NC Adobe Inc ADBE:US yesterday 14:05 2022 12 Oct days 29 Spouse sell 1K - 15K 286.15
Kathy Manning Democrat House NC Alphabet Inc GOOGL:US yesterday 14:05 2022 12 Oct days 29 Spouse buy 1K - 15K 97.56
Kathy Manning Democrat House NC Amazon.com Inc AMZN:US yesterday 14:05 2022 12 Oct days 29 Spouse buy 1K - 15K 112.9

[Markdown for the table above was copied from the output of print(table.drop([''], 'columns').to_markdown(index=False)).]

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