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Bash substitution passed from end of command


More of a curiosity of if and how it can be done. I sometimes find myself repeating commands with small parts of the same command modified.


grep aaa file.txt
grep bbb file.txt
grep ccc file.txt

I know I could set this up with a for loop but I don't always know all of the values that may need to be changed/tested at start. I can also use keyboard movement to get back to the aaa quicker, but it's still extra keys. Not a lot with the example, but some strung together commands can result in a lot of keyboard movement needed.

I know that variables and files can be passed to certain commands at the end, for example.

while read i; do echo "$i"; done < ./file.txt

sed 's/find/replace/' <<<${x}

I'm curious if there is a way with bash substitution to do similar declaration at the end of the command for undeclared variables. I tried variations like grep ${} file.txt <<< 'aaa' but so far nothing I've toyed with has worked out. My goal is that the passed value is not declared as a variable so I can just hit up arrow on keyboard and edit the string at the end of the command statement. Appreciate any help or insights that can be given!

CodePudding user response:

You can define a quick function:

f () { grep "$1" file.txt; }

Now you can run

f aaa
f bbb
f ccc

f is probably shorter than any key sequence that can pull up a previous command to edit :) Plus, the portion you want to change is now the final argument, making it simpler to edit if you do use up-arrow to bring up the last command.

CodePudding user response:

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I found another solution as well.

xargs -I {} grep {} file.txt <<< aaa

CodePudding user response:

Bash also supports substitution of the last command via ^old^new^:

$ grep shy lyrics.txt
You're too shy to say it
You're too shy to say it
$ ^shy^cry^
grep cry lyrics.txt
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna make you cry
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