I have a few strings, like:
address1 = 'Красноярский край, г Красноярск, ул Академика Вавилова, 2Д, кв. 311'
address2 = 'Москва г, ул Ольховская, 45 стр. 1, квартира 3'
address3 = 'Красноярский край, г Красноярск, ул Академика Вавилова, 2Д, квартира 311'
So I need to cut that piece of string, which start from кв. I use regular expression and this my code:
import re
flat_template = r"кв(.*)$"
flat1 = re.search(flat_template, address1)
flat2 = re.search(flat_template, address2)
flat3 = re.search(flat_template, address3)
cut_flat1 = addresses[flat.start():flat.end()]
cut_flat2 = addresses[flat.start():flat.end()]
cut_flat3 = addresses[flat.start():flat.end()]
cut_flat1 = 'кв. 311'
cut_flat2 = 'ква г, ул Ольховская, 45 стр. 1, квартира 3'
cut_flat3 = 'квартира 311'
But I want to get:
cut_flat1 = 'кв. 311'
cut_flat2 = 'квартира 3'
cut_flat3 = 'квартира 311'
All what I want to is search from end of string
CodePudding user response:
Regular expressions usually are "greedy": they try to match as many characters as possible. That is what you see in your results.
You can make them non-greedy instead:
flat_template = r"кв(.*?)$"
Note the use of .*?
for the non-greedy variant of .*
. This will match the minum number of characters possible.
CodePudding user response:
I solve especially my problem. I have added space before ' кв'. So my code
flat_template = r" кв(.*?)$"