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Get filename without extension after choose file with prompt


I'm trying to write a small gpx file conversion script. The conversion part is done but I can't fix the naming of the converted file. I want the filename of the converted file like this:


This is the code I have so far:

-- begin script
-- For converting from one format to another. Preset to convert from GPX to KML. Tailor as needed. Read the documentation for your version

--Based on the script by Robert Nixon, http://www.gpsbabel.org/os/OSX_oneclick.html

-- This is set up for gpsbabel installed using DarwinPorts. See <http://www.gpsbabel.org/osnotes.html> for details
-- This script is not being actively supported, but you may get some help from the gpsbabel discussion group: <http://www.gpsbabel.org/lists.html>
--start script

-- HINT a '~/' is your home folder and of course the double hyphen is a comment. Remove to make active.

-- setting path for gpsbabel. Reset as needed
--set gpsBabelLocation to "/opt/local/var/db/dports/software/gpsbabel/1.2.7_0/opt/local/bin/" -- DarwinPorts Default for Tiger, Feb. 2006
set gpsBabelLocation to "/Applications/GPSBabelFE.app/Contents/MacOS/" -- Normal MacGPSBabel location
--set gpsBabelLocation to ""

set inputTYPE to "gpx" -- set the input file type to whatever you want  
set outputTYPE to "gpx" --set the output file type to whatever you want
set strPath to POSIX file "/Users/someusername/downloads/" --set the default path for file input dialog

--set inputPATH to "~/Desktop/route.gpx" --set the path to where your input file is
-- comment out the following line if you want to use the line above

set inputPATHalias to (choose file with prompt "Select a GPX file to convert to " & outputTYPE & ":" default location strPath)

-- set inputPATH to quoted form of POSIX path of inputPATHalias  -- got error, but two step below works.

set inputfilename to (inputPATHalias as text)

set inputPATH to POSIX path of inputPATHalias

set inputPATH to quoted form of inputPATH -- needed to pass to shell script

--set outputPATH to "~/Desktop/yournewfile.wpt" --set the path to where your output file will be
set outputFileName to "converted." & inputTYPE & ".2." & outputTYPE
--set outputFileName to outputFileName & ".2." & outputTYPE

set outputFolderalias to choose folder with prompt "Select a folder for converted file:"
set outputPATH to fileCheckName(outputFolderalias, outputFileName)

-- See the Documentation for normal usage. http://www.gpsbabel.org/readme.html#d0e1388
-- Using the Position filter to correct a Garmin error. When the Garmin loses sight of the sattiletes, when it reconects, it puts in poitns with a lat-long equal to the last good point, but current time and elevation (mine has a barometer). Garmin: remove extraneous points recorded when out of range that have same lat and long as last good point (altitude is ignored in this filter). 
set filterSetting to "" -- use this one if you don't want any Position filtering. You can leave in uncommented and any below will override it.
-- set filterSetting to " -x position " -- Default, distance=0
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,distance=1f " -- 1 foot and leave one
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,distance=1m " -- 1 meter and leave one
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,all"  -- remove all duplicates
-- set filterSetting to " -x simplify,count=1000"
-- set filterSetting to " -x simplify,error=1k" -- doesnt' work, but then it's not in the manual
-- set filterSetting to ""

tell application "System Events"
    do shell script gpsBabelLocation & "gpsbabel " & filterSetting & "-i " & inputTYPE & " -f " & inputPATH & " -x transform,trk=rte " & " -o " & outputTYPE & " -F " & outputPATH
end tell

--Handlers. Only used once, but I've used them elsewhere
on fileCheckName(outputFolderalias, outputFileName)
    set outputFolder to POSIX path of outputFolderalias
    set outputPATHnoQuote to outputFolder & "/" & outputFileName -- may need to change this if the extension isn't the same as the outputType, The Desktop is a common location
    set outputPATH to quoted form of outputPATHnoQuote -- needed to pass to shell script
    --check if file already exist and if we want to overwrite it
    set outputFolderaliasText to outputFolderalias as text
    set outputPATHcolon to outputFolderaliasText & outputFileName
    tell application "Finder" -- trying to get handler to work
        if file outputPATHcolon exists then display dialog "The file " & outputFileName & " already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
    end tell
    return outputPATH
end fileCheckName

--end script

I'm unable to find Applescript code that translates the filename from a prompt into a variable.

CodePudding user response:

Finder or System Events can be used to get file names, you just need to be a little careful when using the Finder, since it doesn't know that much about POSIX paths. With the various quoting for the shell, you also need to manipulate the various name pieces before quoting. Shortened and cleaned up a bit, your script would be something like:

--Based on the script by Robert Nixon, http://www.gpsbabel.org/os/OSX_oneclick.html

-- set path for gpsbabel as needed:
-- set gpsBabelLocation to "/opt/local/var/db/dports/software/gpsbabel/1.2.7_0/opt/local/bin/" -- DarwinPorts Default for Tiger, Feb. 2006
set gpsBabelLocation to "/Applications/GPSBabelFE.app/Contents/MacOS/" -- Normal MacGPSBabel location
-- set gpsBabelLocation to "" -- testing, etc

set inputType to "gpx" -- the input file type extension  
set outputType to "gpx" -- the output file type extension

set defaultPath to (path to downloads folder)
set inputPath to (choose file of type inputType with prompt "Select a " & inputType & " file to convert to " & outputType & ":" default location defaultPath) -- remove 'of type inputType' to select any file

tell application "Finder" to set {inputName, inputExt} to {name, name extension} of inputPath
if inputExt is not "" then set inputName to text 1 thru -((count inputExt)   2) of inputName -- just the name part
set inputPath to quoted form of POSIX path of inputPath -- quote for the shell script
set outputFileName to inputName & ".2." & outputType -- the converted name

set outputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select a folder for the converted file:"
set outputPath to fileCheckName(outputFolder, outputFileName)

-- See the Documentation for normal usage. http://www.gpsbabel.org/readme.html#d0e1388

set filterSetting to "" -- uncomment any below to override no position filtering
-- set filterSetting to " -x position " -- Default, distance=0
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,distance=1f " -- 1 foot and leave one
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,distance=1m " -- 1 meter and leave one
-- set filterSetting to " -x position,all"  -- remove all duplicates
-- set filterSetting to " -x simplify,count=1000"

set command to gpsBabelLocation & "gpsbabel " & filterSetting & "-i " & inputType & " -f " & inputPath & " -x transform,trk=rte " & " -o " & outputType & " -F " & outputPath
log command
if gpsBabelLocation is not "" then
   do shell script command
   log result
end if

on fileCheckName(outputFolder, outputFileName) -- check if file exists
   set outputPath to (POSIX path of outputFolder) & outputFileName
   tell application "Finder" to if (outputPath as POSIX file) exists then -- match the save alert
      display alert quoted form of outputFileName & " already exists. Do you want to replace it?" message "A file or folder with the same name already exists at " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFolder & ". Replacing it will overwrite its current contents." buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
      if button returned of the result is "Cancel" then error number -128 -- alert doesn't automatically cancel
   end if
   return quoted form of outputPath -- quote for the shell script
end fileCheckName

CodePudding user response:

I recommend to not use the Finder.app at all for this task. Especially, checking file existence with the Posix file coercion inside the tell block is a big mistake. The Finder is also not needed to get the file basename. For this task, with the help of other experienced users, I developed a high-speed handler, provided here.

In general, I recommend using the Finder only when absolutely necessary, because it is often busy in the background with other time-consuming tasks.

set gpsBabelLocation to "/Applications/GPSBabelFE.app/Contents/MacOS/" -- Normal MacGPSBabel location

set inputType to "gpx" -- the input file type extension  
set outputType to "gpx" -- the output file type extension
set defaultPath to (path to downloads folder)
set inputPath to (choose file of type inputType with prompt "Select a " & inputType & " file to convert to " & outputType & ":" default location defaultPath) -- remove 'of type inputType' to select any file
set outputFileName to getBaseName(POSIX path of inputPath) & ".2." & outputType -- the converted name

set outputFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select a folder for the converted file:"
set outputPath to fileCheckName(outputFolder, outputFileName)

set filterSetting to ""
set inputPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of inputPath)
set command to gpsBabelLocation & "gpsbabel " & filterSetting & "-i " & inputType & " -f " & inputPath & " -x transform,trk=rte " & " -o " & outputType & " -F " & outputPath
log command
if gpsBabelLocation is not "" then
    do shell script command
    log result
end if

on getBaseName(posixPath)
    set {ATID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "/"}
    if (posixPath ends with "/") then
        set baseName to text item -2 of posixPath
        set baseName to text item -1 of posixPath
    end if
    if (baseName contains ".") then
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
        set baseName to text 1 thru text item -2 of baseName
    end if
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ATID
    return baseName
end getBaseName

on fileCheckName(outputFolder, outputFileName) -- check if file exists
        alias (outputFolder & outputFileName)
        display alert quoted form of outputFileName & " already exists. Do you want to replace it?" message "A file or folder with the same name already exists at " & quoted form of POSIX path of outputFolder & ". Replacing it will overwrite its current contents." buttons {"OK", "Cancel"}
        if button returned of the result is "Cancel" then error number -128 -- alert doesn't automatically cancel
    end try
    return quoted form of ((POSIX path of outputFolder) & outputFileName) -- quote for the shell script
end fileCheckName
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