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Questions about close_wati tomcat8.5 connection pool


Only build context in project META_INF file.
XML configuration connection pool
& lt; Former Resource name="196" auth="Container" type="javax.mail. SQL. The DataSource" maxTotal="100" maxIdle="50" minIdle="1" maxWait="2000" maxActive="200" username="1234", "=" y1234 driverClassName "=". Oracle JDBC. OracleDriver "url=" JDBC: oracle: thin: @// "logAbandoned=" true "validationQuery=" select 1 from dual testWhileIdle "=" true "testOnBorrow=" false "timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis=" 30000 "minEvictableIdleTimeMillis=" 1800000 "numTestsPerEvictionRun=" 10 "
Page access is normal at first, but I don't know why, for a period of time no access, or don't know whether the SQL statement error, can't use the connection pool, check the link shows CLOSE_WAIT

Hope to have a master to help solve, connection pool configuration problems, or where there is something wrong with the
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