<meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=utf-8 "/& gt;
The red {color: red; }
Green {color: green; }
. Font22 {the font - size: 22 px; }
The h2 {text - align: center; }
P {the font - size: 16 px; color:red; The text - decoration: underline; }
# bold {the font - weight: bold; }
# font24 {the font - size: 24 px; }
. One {the font: italic 18 px/30 px "official script"; }
. Two {the font: italic 18 px/30 px; The text text-indent: 2 em; }
P {color: blue; }
. Special {color: green; }
P. pecial {color: red; }
Strong p {color: red; }
Strong {color: blue; }
H2, h3, p {color: red; font-size:14px; }
# h3, special, one {text - decoration: underline; }
Mark & lt;/p>
Paragraph three text content & lt;/p>
2 paragraph text, plain text, & lt;/p>
Text & lt; Strong> Text & lt;/strong>
Text & lt;/strong>
Ordinary paragraph text & lt;/p>