Home > front end >  Menu's drop-down angle (font awesome icon) is only displaying small rectangle with the unicode
Menu's drop-down angle (font awesome icon) is only displaying small rectangle with the unicode


This is a WordPress site using Colorlib's Shapely Theme and the Shapely Companion plugin. (Note: This is a bootstrap theme, and uses bootstrap-navwalker. I am also using a child theme to customise the site.)

The site can be found here: www.brightongate.com.au

The font-awesome angle-down arrow used to display on the menu line, next to the Home page link. At some point it stopped showing the arrow, and instead only shows a small rectangle box with the unicode inside: f107. (Note: I haven't done any changes myself to this site for a long time - outside of updating plugins, etc.)

Here is the relevant code:

<div >
    <ul id="menu" >
        <li id="menu-item-1033" >
            <a title="Home" href="http://www.brightongate.com.au/">Home </a>
            <span  data-toggle="dropdown">
                <i  aria-hidden="true"></i>
            <ul role="menu" >
                <li id="menu-item-1233" >
                    <a title="[ Welcome to Brighton Gate - home page ]" href="http://www.brightongate.com.au/">[ Welcome to Brighton Gate – home page ]</a>
        <li id="menu-item-1021" >
            <a title="Log In" href="http://www.brightongate.com.au/login/">Log In</a>

Using inspect on the home menu item, you can see that the span surrounding the font-awesome code is grayed out, making it look like it isn't being executed:

<span  data-toggle="dropdown"><i  aria-hidden="true"></i></span>

According to others (posted online) that have similar issues (with font-awesome icons not displaying drop-down icon), it appears that the problem might either be that the font family isn’t correct (ie: Font Awesome 5 Free) or that the incorrect all.min.css file has been uploaded.

I have tried to verify both of these possible issues as follows:

Still looking with inspect, clicking on the line of i class code, I can see that the class fa is defined using the correct font-weight & font-family:

.fa, .fas {
  font-weight: 900;
.fa, .far, .fas {
  font-family: "Font Awesome 5 Free";

Looking at the Shapely function.php file, you can see that it includes the font-awesome css file:

    // Add Font Awesome stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( 'font-awesome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css' );

And also from View Source I can see the font-awesome css is indeed brought in (showing a version of 5.9.5)

<link rel='stylesheet' id='font-awesome-css'  href='http://www.brightongate.com.au/wp-content/themes/shapely/assets/css/fontawesome/all.min.css?ver=5.9.5' type='text/css' media='all' />

Can someone see any other issues why the span code surrounding the font-awesome drop-down icon isn't being executed?

Or is there a way to verify that I have the correct version of the all.min.css file being used?

Thanks for any help on this matter. Sunny Oz

CodePudding user response:

This issue often occurs when the theme or other files are outdated,

You can solve this problem with a plugin by Font Awesome,


It is free and defiantly solves your problem.

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