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Counting .csv files based on their first n number of characters


I need to write a script that checks the first 3 to say 5 characters of a .csv file, then count those files and report the characters with the corresponding count.

I already have a few methods to do the simpler tasks. I've used a filter before to only select certain .csvs, using this:

Get-ChildItem C:\path -Recurse -Filter *.csv | Where {$_.Name -match 'NNN'}

I also use this to count the number of csvs in that corresponding location:

(Get-ChildItem C:\path -Recurse -Filter *.csv | Measure-Object).Count

How can I run a scan through a folder with say 3 random titles for the csv? Say they're RUNxxxxxxxx.csv, FUNxxxxxxx.csv, and TUNxxxxxxx.csv.

Edit: Let me explain more; basically, the example csvs I have above would be completely random, so it'd need to recognize those first 3 are different and only count those.

I'm not sure if a prompt inputting these would do any. The values are known, just different week to week (which is when this would be run;every week)


CodePudding user response:

You can accomplish that using the where-object filter combining three or statements which finds anything starting with the three letters you want and a wild card after.

Get-ChildItem C:\path -Recurse -Filter *.csv | Where {$_.Name -like "RUN*" -or $_.Name -like "Fun*" -or $_.Name -like "TUN*"}

You could also use the get-childitem -filter to accomplish this instead of searching for all .csv files and then use where-object.

Get-ChildItem C:\path -Recurse -Include "fUN*.csv","RUN*.csv","Tun*.csv"

CodePudding user response:

How about using a calculated property to add the desired part as additional property to be able to work with it?

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter *.csv | 
Where-Object -Property BaseName -Match -Value '^(r|t|f)un' |
Select-Object -Property @{Name = 'Part'; Expression={($_.BaseName).substring(0,3)}},* |
Group-Object -Property Part
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