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How to modify data from mongodb?


How to modify data from mongodb?

I have data from mongobd by query:

                _id: {
                    $in: [

Original Data From MongoDB:

  name: "Name",
  image: "https//image......"
  name: "Name",
  image: "https//image......"

I want to modify Original Data From MongoDB like this:

data: [
   type: "User",
   attributes: {
     name: "Name",
     image: "https//image......"
   type: "User",
   attributes: {
     name: "Name",
     image: "https//image......"

CodePudding user response:

Not an entire clean solution, but this will get you on the right way. You could use Array.prototype.map() function to create a new array using the original array you received from your database, see the following snippet:

const someDataArray = [
  name: "Name",
  image: "https//image......"
  name: "Name",
  image: "https//image......"

const newArray = someDataArray.map(item => {
  return {
    type: "User",
    attributes: {
      name: item.name,
      image: item.image
console.log({ data: newArray });

CodePudding user response:

If you just want to modify the object after it has been loaded, you can use mogoose middleware you can find about it here

schema.post('init', function(doc, next) {
 doc = doc.map(obj => ({ ...obj, type: 'User' }))
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