Home > front end >  Is there a way to not set rhandsontable height to a huge value in order to have the dropdown menu co
Is there a way to not set rhandsontable height to a huge value in order to have the dropdown menu co


Running the code at the bottom of this post presents a rhandsontable with dropdown choices. The only way to get the dropdowns to appear is to set a very large table height, but that has the ugly effect of pushing the actionButton() far down. If you comment-out the line for table height (noted in the code with # <<), the actionButton() position resolves but the table dropdowns no longer render, as shown in the below illustration. Is there a way for the dropdowns to overlay (or hover over) any objects rendered beneath them so you don't have to resort to this sort of silly table height?

A solution could be to move the actionButton() to the top, but in the fuller App this is intended for there are a series of action buttons which conditionally render important objects beneath them, so moving the actionButton() to the top is not feasible. It has to stay beneath the table.


enter image description here



ui <- fluidPage(br(),
    actionButton("add", "Add column"),

server <- function(input, output) {
  DF <- reactiveVal(
      'Series 1' = NA_character_, 
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      row.names = c("Select option"),
      check.names = FALSE
  output$Tbl <- renderRHandsontable({
    select_option <- c(NA_character_, "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K")
    tmp <- rhandsontable(
      rowHeaderWidth = 200, 
      selectCallback = TRUE, 
      height = 300 # << comment this line out to correctly position the action button
      ) %>%
    hot_cols(colWidths = 100) %>%
    hot_col("Series 1", 
            allowInvalid = FALSE, 
            type = "dropdown", 
            source = NA_character_, 
            readOnly = TRUE
    tmp <- hot_col(tmp, 
                   col = names(DF()), 
                   allowInvalid = FALSE, 
                   type = "dropdown", 
                   source = select_option
                   ) %>% 
      hot_cell(row = input$Tbl_select$select$r, col = "Series 1", readOnly = FALSE)
  observeEvent(input$add, {
    newCol <- data.frame('Series 1' = NA_character_,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    names(newCol) <- paste("Series", ncol(hot_to_r(input$Tbl))   1)
    DF(cbind(DF(), newCol))

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

CodePudding user response:

Changing height = 300 to overflow = "visible" solves the issue!

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