Home > front end >  Asp dynamic form ID to the database with checkboxes for batch add problems
Asp dynamic form ID to the database with checkboxes for batch add problems


Made a dynamic form and add the check button front, plus the text field (pictured), used in the batch submit search content to watch tb_user in tz column corresponding to the id, the processing page can accept to the front desk page id, here is my handle code page:
Consult 1, the front desk page of text fields with ID binding?
Can receive 2, the background to the ID, can batch delete, modify in batch to UPDATE syntax errors,

Datafile="data/user. The MDB connstr"=". The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; Data Source="& amp; Server. MapPath (" "& amp; Datafile&"
")Set the conn=Server. CreateObject (" ADODB. Connection ")
Conn. Open ConnStr
Id=Trim (Request (" Checkdel "))
If id="" then
Response. Write a response. The end
End the if
Id=split (id, ", ", 1, 1)
For I=0 to UBound (id)
Conn. Execute (" update tb_user set tz="& amp; HitRate&" Where id="& amp; Id (I))
The Response. Redirect "index. The asp
"Conn. Close
Set the conn=nothing

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

How specific error?

Because you are cycle,
If we can capture the specific SQL error which line, so, in the database, analyse,

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" & gt;
The function fun (bill_id) {//pop-up Windows
Obj=document. GetElementsByName (" order_ids ");
For (k in obj) {
If (obj [k]. Checked)
Check_val. Push (obj [k]. Value);

If (check_val=="") {
Alert (" please check the order first!" );
return false; }

Var detail=window. The open (".. 1/orderManage Detail_list asp? IsExport=no& Bill_id bill_id="+ +" & amp; Order_ids="+ check_val," detail ", "height=900, width=780, top=0, left=1500, the status=yes, toolbar=yes, menubar=no, location=yes, alwaysRaised=yes, z - look=yes");

I the above code, is through the check, to pass parameters, first JS judgment, which order_ids are checked, and the value value of JS take order_ids,

I understood your question:

Check box ID, and match them with the INPUT binding is?
Very simple, put them together with a & lt; Form> , a line of a pair, there are a lot of to a page,

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor ps800 response:
how specific error?

Because you are cycle,
If we can capture the specific SQL error which line, so, in the database, analyse,

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" & gt;
The function fun (bill_id) {//pop-up Windows
Obj=document. GetElementsByName (" order_ids ");
For (k in obj) {
If (obj [k]. Checked)
Check_val. Push (obj [k]. Value);

If (check_val=="") {
Alert (" please check the order first!" );
return false; }

Var detail=window. The open (".. 1/orderManage Detail_list asp? IsExport=no& Bill_id bill_id="+ +" & amp; Order_ids="+ check_val," detail ", "height=900, width=780, top=0, left=1500, the status=yes, toolbar=yes, menubar=no, location=yes, alwaysRaised=yes, z - look=yes");

I the above code, is through the check, to pass parameters, first JS judgment, which order_ids are checked, and the value value of JS take order_ids,

I understood your question:

Check box ID, and match them with the INPUT binding is?
Very simple, put them together with a & lt; Form> , a line of a pair, there are a lot of to a page,

I want to do is a data entry page, the content of the entry is on dynamically generated according to the results of a query form corresponding

CodePudding user response:

Today try to text field is modified to
To view the page source code is:
HitRate28 \ HitRate29 \ HitRate30, how three values this batch written to the database?

CodePudding user response:

reference 5 building next to the old also reply:
today try to text field is modified to
To view the page source code is:
HitRate28 \ HitRate29 \ HitRate30, how three values this batch written to the database? nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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