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The Datatable. The problem of js


"Language" : {" emptyTable ":" no data ", "info", "article from _TOTAL_ data shows _START_ to _END_ data", "infoEmpty" : "shown in the records from 0 0 to 0 records", "infoFiltered" : "(a total query screening filter article _MAX_)", "infoPostFix" : ""," thousands ":", ", "lengthMenu" : "each page displays _MENU_ record (data)", "loadingRecords" : "loading... ", "processing" : "in the query. ", "search", "query filter:", "zeroRecords" : "no data", "paginate" : {" first ":" home page ", "last" : "back", "next" : "next page", "previous" : "previous page"},
Front end how to obtain emptyTable and zeroRecords and the value of the info? Backend access

CodePudding user response:

Data is not complete, your data should be the JSON format,
Write a for loop, if the list is not directly obtained,
Data. Language. EmptyTable
Data. Language. ZeroRecords
Data. Language. The info

CodePudding user response:

Upstairs said if the format of trying not to turn JSON. Parse (data) and then carries on the data. Language. EmptyTable

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor front _ rookie response:
try upstairs said if the wrong format of first turn JSON. Parse (data) and then carries on the data. Language. EmptyTable
well, turn to format is invalid characters in the JS

CodePudding user response:

How many or how can I get the data, is data. The length or row. The count method, such as I'm baidu to check this. API (.). The data length; But I tried to get less than

CodePudding user response:

Take a look at this article have a help to you at https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42729938/article/details/96148872

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor qq_45938376 response:
or how do I obtain how many data, is data. The length or row. The count method, such as I'm baidu to check this. API (.). The data length; But I tried to get less than

Can you put your console output error, the data output in the console screenshots come out with you, and I don't know you specific wrote what code to operate over there
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