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Window. The location. Href in IE don't jump


<meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML" charset="utf-8" & gt;
The function gotoGESOP (id)
Url=new Object;
Url. The userName=document. GetElementById (" userName "). The value;
Url. UserPwd=document. GetElementById (" userPwd "). The value;
Url. ServerIP=id. The value;
Url. Current_group_id="0111";
Url. Datasource_name="Java:/DataSource_taizhou";
Url. Front_ds_name="Java:/DS_etkt_taizhou";
Url. Query_ds_name="Java:/DS_query_taizhou";
Var urlToGo="http://" + url. ServerIP + ": 8080/RGCMS s_login/login_handle JSP? User_id="+ url. The userName

+ "& amp; Password="+ url. UserPwd +" & amp; Current_group_id="+ url. Current_group_id +" & amp; Datasource_name="+ url. Datasource_name

+ "& amp; Front_ds_name="+ url. Front_ds_name +" & amp; Query_ds_name="+ url. Query_ds_name;



Account: & lt; Input id='userName'/& gt;
Password: & lt; Input id='userPwd type="password"/& gt;

Under the environment in Windows 7, 8, don't jump, with 360 browser, sogou browser can jump,
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