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Vector of functions


I want to create a function that is modified with a loop and then I can call those different functions from a function vector. The function to be modified would be the Am function.

The problem is that it only uses the last value of the loop, i=1. So I have two equal functions, with i=1. What I want is to have an Am function with i=0, and another with i=1. Then you can call them from the vector Afunctions

Afunctions = []
def Am(x):
        if((x>xn[i])and(x<=xn[i 1])):
            return (x-xn[i])/h1
        elif((x>xn[i 1])and(x<xn[i 2])):
            return (1-(x-xn[i 1])/h1)
            return 0
for i in range(0,2,1):

CodePudding user response:

I'm making a big assumption about your intent, namely, that you want Afunctions to be a list of callables associated with Am where the value of i is the same as callable index in Afunctions. If that is a correct assumption than the following code should work:

from functools import partial

Afunctions = []
def Am(x, i):
        if((x>xn[i])and(x<=xn[i 1])):
            return (x-xn[i])/h1
        elif((x>xn[i 1])and(x<xn[i 2])):
            return (1-(x-xn[i 1])/h1)
            return 0
for i in range(0,2,1):
    Afunctions.append(partial(Am, i=i)) 



[functools.partial(<function Am at 0x000001D1F6157920>, i=0),
 functools.partial(<function Am at 0x000001D1F6157920>, i=1)]
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