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Wan ke bot API ajax parsererror cross-domain request failed


The $(document). Ready (function () {
"Use strict";
$(" # send ") on (" click ", function () {
Var STR=$(" # text "). Val ();
$(" # text "). Val (" ");
$(" chat "). Append ("
  • "+ STR +"
  • ");
    $(" chat "). The scrollTop ($(" chat ") [0]. ScrollHeight);

    //$. Ajax ({
    //the type: "get",
    //url: "http://api.qingyunke.com/api.php? Key=free&appid=0 & MSG="+ encodeURI (STR),
    //data: ", "
    //dataType: "json",
    //success: function (json) {
    //error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus errorThrown) {
    //alert (XMLHttpRequest. Status);
    //alert (XMLHttpRequest. ReadyState);
    //alert (textStatus);
    ////alert (errorThrown);

    $(" # text ") on (" click ", function () {
    $(" # text "). Val (" ");

    •  Tags:  
    • Ajax
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