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Beginners, consult everybody, with bootstraptable show report, but a page on the server is invalid


Statements with bootstraptable, but use a page on the server is invalid, can show your tabs, but the page, click on the points are shown all
Bootstraptable configuration
$(" # TB "). BootstrapTable (" destroy ") and $(" # TB "). BootstrapTable ({
Method: "GET",
ContentType: "application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded",
Url:/app02 data15,
Striped: true,
Pagination: true,
PageSize: 6,
MinimumCountColumns: 1,
ClickToSelect: true,
PageList: [10, 50, 100, 500],
PageNumber: 1,
Search: false,
SidePagination: "server,"
ExportDataType: "all",
ExportTypes: [' json, XML, CSV, 'TXT', 'SQL', 'excel'],
The Icons: 'glyphicon - export,
QueryParamsType: "undefined",
QueryParams: function queryParams (params) {
Var param={
PageNumber: params pageNumber,
PageSize: params pageSize,
Return param.