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Web front end design type and suitable web front-end what difference is there?


Learn web front-end, you find out suitable web front end and the difference of the design type web front end? Today will give you comb type design web front end to do? To study?

We will also meet this kind of situation, to do a project, a product manager said product prototype figure has been finished, let's go to look for material, adjust the color, look at the pixels, decorate beautification, the archetypal figure whole then call our artists,

I don't like this call is also opposed to this view, a front-end designers like we should actually be understand product managers and user experience of fine arts, instant is the soul of adornment beautification also want injection products and ideas in there,

Actually the designer is to improve product characterization, at the same time, in the more product information to the user, through the arrangement of different element layout pass the core value of the product to the user,

Designers should think of yourself as a product manager as the demand side, rather than the executor, show the product demand design language, make the boss looks more intuitive, let technology need not too much to see the product documentation will be able to understand, only in this way, then can let other link more respect to you, willing to listen to your suggestion for the product,

Today he said for the front-end design of those things:

What is the front end

Design is the process of rendering, front end design is page by color/composition elements such as personality and characteristics, and showcases, through their own target groups through colour, express themselves by design,

Of course this is just a part of the web front end design, it is called - interface design, web front-end design is, in fact, web production, after "into the web site the front end of the great changes have taken place, bearing a single web page is no longer just text and images, it besides design knowledge of development technology, such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript and so on,

Web front end design mainly divided into five steps:

1. The demand;

2. Sketching;

3. Design interface;

4. The front end code;

5. Compatibility debugging,

Things are not absolute, of course, in addition to the necessary steps and some details need to do, before the design and the product manager, visual analysts, experience communication, after the design is finalized, and the background programmers, test engineers communication, and repeatedly debugging,

Flat VS quasi materialized

Flattening and quasi materialized, as a designer must know two words now, then what they themselves have strengths and weaknesses?

1, what kind of flat and quasiphysical design

Flat design (Flat design) completely belongs to secondary yuan, the concept of the core is to give up all the decorative effect, such as shadow and perspective, texture, gradient and so on make the 3 d effect elements all need not, all the boundary of the elements of a clean, without any feather, gradient, or shadow,

And quasiphysical design (Skeuomorph) on the contrary, he needs to join the effect of various elements, through the effect of different combination to achieve the purpose of simulation to render objects appearance, in order to make the new look let a person feel familiar and cordial,

2, flattening and the advantages and disadvantages of materialized

Flat design separate design more easy, highlight the theme content and various gradient, shadows, highlights, such as visual effect to the attention of the user interference, allow the user to focus more on the content itself, and easy to unified design style, adjust the design plan more convenient, and now mobile phone tablet "endemic" today, flat design can support more gesture interaction, and it takes system space is relatively small,

Quasi chemical design is more suitable for junior staff to do, it's not that quasi materialized design is simple, and it is because of its complex is more suitable for junior staff to do so, can let the front end the realization of the design personnel in a short period of time are familiar with all kinds of effects, colour collocation, etc., and a better grasp and quasi materialized low cost design cognition and learning, can directly show the want to do things more,

Relative to their strengths, their shortcomings really be clear at a glance, more inclined to be materialized design visual effect, functions, rarely flat can carry the amount of information is too little, can improve the user's learning cost,

How to regulate the front-end design?

Front end design should be standard, of course, the reason is:

1, for the sake of information load faster,

2, be helpful for later adjustment and modify

3, good project secondary development,

4, be helpful for project handover,

How, then, should the front-end design specification?

1, is the most basic code specifications, neat, concise code specification late more convenient debugging and modification, and convenient and reuse,

2, style material classification standard, the good material classified habit, also is a kind of design specifications,

Designers should consider the user experience from the perspective of what

Has always been the design of the product are playing up to the user, or let the user know what is suitable for his design, so from the perspective of what do we let the user know that? In general can be roughly divided into two kinds, one kind is visually giving users meet, the other is in the process to guide fluctuation kongfu,

Detailed speaking can be divided into the following:

1, in line with the characteristics of visual presentation, and put himself into the user scenario and character design layout (right hand the use of mobile phones in the subway, etc.),

2, prominent, conducive to use of visual interactive experience,

3, the users of products under the condition of the function is not clear, through visual performance and reasonable guide the whole process of using,

Conclusion is on the vision guide and please the user, on the layout for the user use convenient,
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