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How to include manager data with employee data


I have a table called Employees

ID Full Name Employee Type Employment Rate Manager ID
143 Sam Smith Full Time Wage 146
144 Jay Reddy Part Time Wage 146
145 Nick Young Full Time Wage 146
146 Trevor Simm Full Time Salary 147
147 Justin Peters Part Time Salary 147
148 Lisa Howard Full Time Salary 140
149 Nicky West Full Time Salary 140
150 Gemma Yu Full Time Wage 146
151 Sally Zhang Part Time Salary 140
152 James Hillary Full Time Wage 146
153 Nikita Shaw Full Time Wage 146

I want to run a query where it should return Wage employees. I want to also include those Wage employees' managers in the query so it should return something like this:

ID Full Name Employee Type Employment Rate Manager ID
143 Sam Smith Full Time Wage 146
144 Jay Reddy Part Time Wage 146
145 Nick Young Full Time Wage 146
146 Trevor Simm Full Time Salary 147
147 Justin Peters Part Time Salary 147
150 Gemma Yu Full Time Wage 146
152 James Hillary Full Time Wage 146
153 Nikita Shaw Full Time Wage 146

Querying the Wage employees is easy enough though wondering if you can help me with the query so that it also includes their managers in the list:

Select * From Employees
Where [Employment Rate] = 'Wage'

CodePudding user response:

If you use a CTE to determine the relevant employees you can then union on a query to obtain their managers e.g.

WITH cte AS (
    SELECT * 
    FROM Employees
    WHERE [Employment Rate] = 'Wage'
SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Id IN (SELECT [Manager ID] FROM cte);

CodePudding user response:

You could use a sub query like like this

Select * 
From Employees
Where [Employment Rate] = 'Wage'
   or ID in (SELECT [Manager ID] FROM Employees Where [Employment Rate] = 'Wage')

You could also use a UNION statement -- which I like better because I would add a new column in there showing the source of the data -- in my experience you always want this when working with data in this way:

SELECT 'Worker' as SOURCE,
       ID, [Full Name], [Employee Type], [Employment Rate], [Manager ID]
FROM Employees
WHERE [Employment Rate] = 'Wage'


SELECT 'Manager' as SOURCE,
       ID, [Full Name], [Employee Type], [Employment Rate], [Manager ID]
FROM Employees
WHERE ID IN (SELECT [Manager ID] FROM Employees Where [Employment Rate] = 'Wage')

Note -- if a employee has a wage rate they will appear twice with this query, but not with the first one.

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