Home > front end >  TypeError: string indices must be integers. It always shows that TypeError: string indices must be i
TypeError: string indices must be integers. It always shows that TypeError: string indices must be i


TypeError: string indices must be integers. It always shows that TypeError: string indices must be integers. What is the problem?

IMG_DIR = 'default/*.png'
JSON = 'annotations/default.json'
Type: \<class 'dict'\>
{'info': {}, 'categories': {'label': {'labels': \[{'name': 'keypoints', 'parent': '', 'attributes': \[\]}\], 'attributes': \['occluded'\]}, 'points': {'items': \[\]}}, 'items': \[{'id': '1024_2048_eduart_420210919_151508', 'annotations': \[{'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[326.46, 438.63\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}, {'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[499.41, 452.61\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}, {'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[430.61, 454.51\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}, {'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[37.47, 467.43\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}\], 'attr': {'frame': 0}, 'image': {'path': '1024_2048_eduart_420210919_151508.png', 'size': \[512, 512\]}, 'media': {'path': '1024_2048_eduart_420210919_151508.png'}}, {'id': '1536_1024_imranparkhaus_rub_32', 'annotations': \[{'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[234.13, 427.51\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}\], 'attr': {'frame': 1}, 'image': {'path': '1536_1024_imranparkhaus_rub_32.png', 'size': \[512, 512\]}, 'media': {'path': '1536_1024_imranparkhaus_rub_32.png'}}, {'id': '1536_1536_eduart_5642', 'annotations': \[{'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[151.31, 437.21\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}\], 'attr': {'frame': 2}, 'image': {'path': '1536_1536_eduart_5642.png', 'size': \[512, 512\]}, 'media': {'path': '1536_1536_eduart_5642.png'}}, {'id': '1536_2560_evgenii_NL_3_120200916_154505', 'annotations': \[{'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[51.14, 399.35\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}, {'id': 0, 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\[{'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[434.69, 169.45\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}, {'id': 0, 'type': 'points', 'attributes': {'occluded': False}, 'group': 0, 'label_id': 0, 'points': \[392.64, 212.4\], 'z_order': 0, 'visibility': \[2\]}\], 'attr': {'frame': 12}, 'image': {'path': '512_2560_evgenii_Ext_120201005_142724.png', 'size': \[512, 512\]}, 'media': {'path': '512_2560_evgenii_Ext_120201005_142724.png'}}, {'id': '512_512_imran20200801_170919', 'annotations': \[\], 'attr': {'frame': 13}, 'image': {'path': '512_512_imran20200801_170919.png', 'size': \[512, 512\]}, 'media': {'path': '512_512_imran20200801_170919.png'}}\]}
with open(JSON) as infile:
json_data = json.load(infile)
json_dict = {i\['path'\]: i for i in json_data}
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_3884/156696908.py in <module>
      1 with open(JSON) as infile:
      2     json_data = json.load(infile)
----> 3 json_dict = {i['path']: i for i in json_data}

~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_3884/156696908.py in <dictcomp>(.0)
      1 with open(JSON) as infile:
      2     json_data = json.load(infile)
----> 3 json_dict = {i['path']: i for i in json_data}

TypeError: string indices must be integers

What is the problem here?

CodePudding user response:

Well, seems that you are looking for path for your each value. So you need to be aware of your data frame. Because where your path is located is in your items only. That's why you are facing above error. Please the following code where your paths are collected.

json_dict = {}

for k,v in json_data.items():
    if k == "items":
        for i in v:
            for k1,v1 in i.items():
                if type(v1) == dict: # Seems, the "path" only includes in a dict {'path': '2048_1024_imran20200801_184730.png', 'size': [512, 512]}
                    for k11,v11 in v1.items():
                        if k11 == "path":
                            json_dict[f"{i['id']}--{k1}-path"] = v11

See code output below, you may edit your the key values as you wish by editing json_dict.

enter image description here

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