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Zip Mono with 2 other Monos


I need to get information about a Book, Author and Publisher.

The Book contains information about the Author and Publisher.

I'm getting the BookInfo using the following method:

bookService.getBook( tenantId, bookId )
           .zipWhen( book -> authorService.getAuthor( tenantId, book.getAuthorId() ) )
           .zipWhen( tuple -> publisherService.getPublisher( tenantId, tupple.getT1().getPublisherId() ) )
           .map( tuple -> new BookInfo( tupple.getT1().getT1(), tupple.getT1().getT2(), tupple.getT2() ) );

I'm using zipWhen to share the Book to the other method calls but as you can see it's a mess since at the end I get a tuple with another tuple inside.

Is there a better way of doing this?

Would even be possible to call the authorService and the publisherService in parallel?

CodePudding user response:

You can use the zip static operator which may take more than one source publisher (it would be the Author and Publisher) and combine the results in a Tuple2 then map the result in-place to a BookInfo object.

bookService.getBook(tenantId, bookId)
       .flatMap(book -> Mono.zip(authorService.getAuthor(tenantId, book.getAuthorId()), publisherService.getPublisher(tenantId, book.getPublisherId()))
               .map(tuple -> new BookInfo(book, tuple.getT1(), tupple.getT2()))

You may optionally make both authService and publisherServie subscribeOn a different scheduler to have results computed in parallel:

CodePudding user response:

You can use Mono.zip inside flatMap()

 getBook(tenantId, bookId).flatMap(book ->
                        getAuthor(tenantId, book.getAuthorId()),
                        getPublisher(tenantId, book.getPublisherId())
        ).map(tuple -> {
            tuple.getT1(); // book
            tuple.getT2(); // author
            tuple.getT3(); // publisher
            // ... build BookInfo here and return

flatMap() operator is async by it's nature

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