I'm working on the Alphametics puzzle
A set of words is written down in the form of an ordinary "long-hand" addition sum, and it is required that the letters of the alphabet be replaced with decimal digits so that the result is a valid arithmetic sum.Example:
This equation has a unique solution:
A non brute force solution is to use backtracking with memoization. My choice is to use the State Monad along with mutable Vectors.
The algorithm goes as follows:
If we are beyond the leftmost digit of the sum:
Return true if no carry, false otherwise.
Also check that there is no leading zero in the sum.
Else if addend and current column index is beyond the current row:
Recur on row beneath this one.
If we are currently trying to assign a char in one of the addends:
If char already assigned, recur on row beneath this one.
If not assigned, then:
For every possible choice among the digits not in use:
Make that choice and recur on row beneath this one.
If successful, return true.
Else, unmake assignment and try another digit.
Return false if no assignment worked to trigger backtracking.
Else if trying to assign a char in the sum:
If char already assigned:
If matches the sum digit, recur on next column to the left with carry.
Else, return false to trigger backtracking.
If char unassigned:
If correct digit already used, return false.
Assign it and recur on next column to the left with carry:
If successful return true.
Else, unmake assignment, and return false to trigger backtracking.
I'm having trouble with writing the part where a number is assigned to an addend.
Rust code for reference that needs to be translated to Haskell.
let used: HashSet<&u8> = HashSet::from_iter(solution.values());
let unused: Vec<u8> = (0..=9).filter(|x| !used.contains(x)).collect();
for i in unused {
if i == 0 && non_zero_letters.contains(&letter) {
solution.insert(letter, i);
if can_solve(
row 1,
carry (i as u32),
) {
return true;
My code, that I've yet to compile, and without the above case implemented, is shown below:
contains the addend rows.
is the sum row.
is the assignments.
is an optimization that checks there are no leading zeros in any of the rows.
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle = error "You need to implement this function."
type Solution = Vector Int
type Row = Vector Char
data PuzzleState = PuzzleState
{ equation :: Vector Row,
result :: Row,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector Row
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> State PuzzleState Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- get
let addend = row < length equation
let word = if addend then (equation ! row) else result
let n = length word
let letter = word ! col
let ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
let readC = UM.read (solution . ord)
i <- readC letter
let assigned = i >= 0
let isNonZero = flip S.member nonZeroLetters
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row 1) col carry
| col == n && (not . addend) -> carry == 0
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row 1) col (carry i)
ord :: Char -> Int
ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
readC ::
(PrimMonad m, UM.Unbox a) =>
MV.MVector (PrimState m) a ->
Char ->
m a
readC solution c = UM.read solution $ ord c
writeC ::
(PrimMonad m, UM.Unbox a) =>
UM.MVector (PrimState m) a ->
Char ->
a ->
m ()
writeC solution c x = UM.write solution $ ord c $ x
Here's the (invalid and incomplete) draft that I need help with. This is the part for which I showed Rust code above.
| addend -> let used <- M.mapM (0 <= UM.read solution) [0..length solution - 1]
unused = filter (\x -> x == 0 && isNonZero x) [0..9] \\ used
in do
i <- unused
writeC letter
Edit Jan 7, 2023:
Here's the cleaned up code that produces the compilation error shown at the end.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
module Alphametics (solve) where
import Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import qualified Control.Monad.ST as ST
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.List ((\\))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle = error "You need to implement this function."
data PuzzleState s = PuzzleState
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char),
result :: U.Vector Char,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector s Int
type M s = ReaderT (PuzzleState s) (ST s)
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- R.ask
let addend = row < length equation
let word = if addend then ((V.!) equation row) else result
let n = length word
let letter = (U.!) word col
let x = ord letter
y <- R.lift $ UM.read solution x
let assigned = y >= 0
let isNonZero = flip S.member nonZeroLetters
let sumDigit = carry `mod` 10
let used = filter (\i -> 0 <= UM.read solution i) [0 .. length solution - 1]
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row 1) col carry
| col == n && (not addend) -> return $ carry == 0
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row 1) col (carry y)
| addend ->
let unused = filter (\i -> i == 0 && isNonZero letter) [0 .. 9] \\ used
in assignAny unused y solution
| assigned && sumDigit == y -> canSolve 0 (col 1) (carry `mod` 10)
| sumDigit `elem` used -> return $ False
| sumDigit == 0 && isNonZero letter -> return $ False
| otherwise -> assign 0 (col 1) (carry `mod` 10) y sumDigit solution
ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
assignAny [] _ _ = return (False)
assignAny (i : xs) y solution = do
success <- assign (row 1) col (carry i) y i solution
if success then return (success) else assignAny xs y solution
assign r c cr y i solution = do
UM.write solution y i
success <- canSolve r c cr
M.when (not success) (UM.write solution y (-1))
return (success)
• Couldn't match type ‘s’
with ‘primitive- m0’
Expected: MVector
(primitive- (ST s)) Int
Actual: MVector
(primitive- m0) Int
‘s’ is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for:
canSolve :: forall s. Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
at src/Alphametics.hs:31:1-41
CodePudding user response:
There's a larger conceptual problem in your code that's been pointed out in the comments.
The State
monad simulates a mutable state by passing invisible state values into and out of a sequence of monadic actions. The state values themselves are immutable, but since they are passed into and out of each action, an action can simulate mutation by returning a state value that's different than the one it was given.
On the other hand, the Data.Vector
package provides two types of mutable vectors, IOVector
and STVector
. These are vectors with truly mutable elements, not simulated. They can be mutated within the IO
and ST
monads respectively, because these monads provide the capability for true mutation. Neither type can be mutated in a State
monad, because the State
mutation is only simulated. It would be too inefficient to implement a third type of mutable vector using State
's simulated mutation.
In your program, you are using a State
that includes a field solution
with a (true) mutable vector for its value. This points to a probable design problem. Either you want to simulate mutation with a State
or you want to use a true mutable vector that's made available to your program in some convenient manner, maybe via a ReaderT
, and manipulated within an IO
or ST
base monad.
I actually can't quite understand your PuzzleState
representation from the code you've provided. For example, solution
has type MVector Row
, which isn't a valid type, but maybe it's supposed to have the unused type Solution
instead, except that Solution
isn't mutable. And I'm not sure what nonZeroLetters
However, if your intention is to access fixed character vectors of the addends and result that don't change over the course of solving the puzzle, and mutate an array mapping letters to their digit assignments, then you probably want a "context" that's something like:
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
data PuzzleContext = PuzzleContext
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char) -- fixed matrix of addends, as Chars
, result :: U.Vector Char -- fixed result as Chars
, solution :: UM.IOVector Int -- mutable array of digit assignments
made available using a monad M
import Control.Monad.Reader
type M = ReaderT PuzzleContext IO
This allows you to access the puzzle details:
canSolve :: ... -> M Bool
canSolve ... = do
PuzzleContext{equation, result, solution} <- ask
let c = equation V.! 0 U.! 2 -- access third letter of first addend
and mutate the solution:
let ord x = C.ord x - C.ord 'A'
UM.write solution (ord 'M') 6 -- try M=6
Note that solution
is an immutable reference that comes out of the reader, but what it references is a mutable vector, which is why you can UM.write
to its elements within the base IO monad.
As for helping you with your specific draft code, as I say I can't really understand your representation from the code you've written so far, so it's not clear to me how to help with that.
CodePudding user response:
OP here, figured it out myself.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Alphametics (solve) where
import Control.Monad as M
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable (MVector)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as UM
solve :: String -> Maybe [(Char, Int)]
solve puzzle
-- validate equation, "ABC DEF == GH" is invalid,
-- sum isn't wide enough
| any (\x -> length x > (length . head) res) eqn = Nothing
| otherwise = findSoln $ VU.create $ do
let nonZeroLetters = S.fromList nz
-- process in reverse
let equation = (V.fromList . map (U.fromList . reverse)) eqn
let result = (U.fromList . reverse . head) res
solution <- UM.replicate 26 (-1)
_ <- R.runReaderT (canSolve 0 0 0) PuzzleState {..}
return solution
xs = filter (all C.isAsciiUpper) $ words puzzle
(eqn, res) = L.splitAt (length xs - 1) xs
-- leading letters can't be zero
nz = [head x | x <- xs, length x > 1]
chr x = C.chr (C.ord 'A' x)
findSoln v = case [ (chr x, y)
| x <- [0 .. 25],
let y = v VU.! x,
y >= 0
] of
[] -> Nothing
x -> Just x
data PuzzleState s = PuzzleState
{ equation :: V.Vector (U.Vector Char),
result :: U.Vector Char,
nonZeroLetters :: Set Char,
solution :: MVector s Int
type M s = ReaderT (PuzzleState s) (ST s)
canSolve :: Int -> Int -> Int -> M s Bool
canSolve row col carry = do
PuzzleState {equation, result, nonZeroLetters, solution} <- R.ask
let addend = row < V.length equation
let word = if addend then equation V.! row else result
let n = U.length word
case () of
| col >= n && addend -> canSolve (row 1) col carry
| col == n && not addend -> return $ carry == 0
| otherwise -> do
let letter = word U.! col
let x = ord letter
i <- readM solution x
let assigned = i >= 0
let canBeZero = flip S.notMember nonZeroLetters
let sumDigit = carry `mod` 10
used <- M.mapM (readM solution) [0 .. 25]
let unused =
(\y -> y > 0 || canBeZero letter)
[0 .. 9]
\\ used
case () of
| addend && assigned -> canSolve (row 1) col (carry i)
| addend -> assignAny solution x unused
| assigned ->
if sumDigit == i
then canSolve 0 (col 1) (carry `div` 10)
else return False
-- pure (sumDigit == i &&) <*> canSolve 0 (col 1) (carry `div` 10)
| sumDigit `elem` used -> return False
| sumDigit == 0 && (not . canBeZero) letter -> return False
| otherwise ->
(col 1)
(carry `div` 10)
-- lift is needed because we're working in in a ReaderT monad,
-- whereas VM.read and VM.write work in the ST monad
readM solution = R.lift . UM.read solution
ord c = C.ord c - C.ord 'A'
assignAny _ _ [] = return False
assignAny solution ix (i : xs) = do
success <- assign (row 1) col (carry i) solution ix i
if success then return success else assignAny solution ix xs
assign r c cr solution ix i = do
UM.write solution ix i
success <- canSolve r c cr
M.unless success (UM.write solution ix (-1))
return success