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php mail error handling when no smtp server


I make a php page to send email. I will give this page to multiple users, but I have no control of the server they will use. And some of them should have no SMTP server. So I try to handle this error.

For example, on my own computer, if I deactivate my SMTP server, I receive a "PHP Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at ..." error message.

My code :

  catch (Exception $ex)

But this code doesn't throw an exception, it only write the error message (like an "echo(...)" statement). I use this code in a xmlhttprequest page and use an xml type response. But the original page receive the error message before the xml text : PHP Warning: mail(): Failed to connect to mailserver at ... \n1Email not send

How can I handle this "no SMTP" error ?


CodePudding user response:

If I understand the problem correctly, the following directive will hide the warnings.

ini_set('display_errors', 0);

Instead of "try/catch" you can use the following approach.

set_error_handler("warningHandler", E_USER_WARNING);

// Trigger some warning here for testing purposes only (this is just an example).
trigger_error('This here is the message from some warning ...', E_USER_WARNING);

// If you need DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname.
// $result = dns_get_record($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);

// Restores the previous error handler function.

// This is your custom warning handler.
function warningHandler($errno, $errstr) {
    // Do what you want here ...
    echo $errno, ' ::: ', $errstr;

CodePudding user response:

Thanks for your answers, but nothing works :(

I find a solution by cleaning the output buffer by using ob_start(null,0,PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEANABLE) and ob_clean() just after the mail() function.

I don't understand why the mail function writes an error into the output buffer

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