Desktop> Vue create my - app
? Your connection to the default NPM registry seems to be missile.
Use for faster - installation? (Y/n)
Select Y
Vue CLI v4.0.5
? Both Please pick a preset: (Use the arrow keys)
The default (Babel, eslint)
Manually select the features
Manually select the features
Vue CLI v4.0.5
? Both Please pick a preset: Manually select the features
? Check the features men for project:
Babel (*)
(a) TypeScript
(a) Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
The Router (*)
(*) Vuex
CSS Pre - processors (*)
(), Linter/Formatter
(*) Unit Testing
(*) E2E Testing
Then select the asterisk that, as long as don't choose Linter/Formatter, there will be no code detection,