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The Bootstrap - what is the format of the Table to add data


Recently used bootstraptable, found in the document the prepend and append to add data examples are simple, if you have any fomatter data, or a button, add the data format is what?
$(' # alarmList). BootstrapTable ({
The locale: 'useful - CN,
Url: the url,
Method: "get",
Type: "get",
UniqueId: 'no',
contentType: "application/json; Charset=utf-8,
"/* queryParams: function (params) {
Return a JSON. Stringify ({
//state: $(" # state "). Val (),
PageNo: params. Offset,
PageSize: params. Limit,
StationIds: stationIds. Join (", ")
}, */
Pagination: if true,//display paging
SidePagination: "the client",//paging: client client pages, server server pages (*)
PageSize: 10,
PageNumber: getPageNum (),//load the page number (state)
Search: true,//whether the display table search, the search is the client, not into the server, so the individual feels meaningless
ShowRefresh: true,//show the refresh button
ShowColumns: true,//show all the columns
ShowExport: true,//show the export button
ExportDataType: 'all',
SortName: 'updateDate,
SortOrder: 'desc',
ExportTypes: [' json, XML, 'the PNG', 'CSV', 'TXT', 'SQL', 'doc', 'excel', 'XLSX', 'PDF'],
The columns: [
Field: 'id',
Title: 'alarm ID',
Sortable: false
Field: 'no',
Title: 'equipment number'
Field: 'stationName,
Title: 'the site name,
Sortable: false
Field: 'regionName',
Title: 'name',
Sortable: false,
Field: 'deviceName,
Title: 'device name,
Sortable: false,
//the formatter: function (the value, the row, the index) {
//the console. The log (row);
Field: 'color',
Title: 'level',
Align: 'center',
Sortable: false,
The formatter: function (the value, the row, the index) {
//the console. The log (row);
//return '& lt; Span style="background - color: '+ value +'; Width: 75 px; height: 25px; Border: 1 px solid # 424242; Float: left "& gt; '+ text + & lt;/span> ';
Return '& lt; Span style="color: '+ row. The color +'" & gt; '+ row. DetailRank + & lt;/span> ';
Field: 'content',
Title: 'alarm content',
Sortable: false
Field: "createDate",
Title: 'alarm time,
Sortable: false
Field: 'updateDate,
Title: 'update time,
Sortable: true,
Field: 'operator',
Title: 'operation',
Align: 'center',
The formatter: function (the value, the row, the index) {
If (row. Ignored) {
Return '& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/#" onclick="load_detail (this, \ '+ row itemNo +' \ ', '+ row. Id +', \ '+ row deviceId +' \ ')" name="alarm_deal & gt;" + '
'& amp; nbsp; & nbsp;

If this is the format, can be initialized with ajax method, but with $(" # alarmList "). The bootstrap (' the prepend 'data), cannot in the header to add data, the data is also the json data, that is to say the same format can initialize can't add, experience do you have a solution
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