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Configuring loglevel of custom ILogger<T>


I'm attempting to configure the loglevel of a custom ILogger<T> through configuration. Is this easily possible? I want to restrict logging for this specific handler without touching any general settings.

In my custom case I'm injecting an ILogger<DataHandledLoggingHandler> into my class, and would like to disable it in certain environments. What I assumed should work is to add a key "DataHandledLoggingHandler" to the Logging.LogLevel section of appsettings.json, to e.g. "None". However, I still see Warnings in my log sink. My appsetting.Development.json would look like this:

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
        "Default": "Information",
        "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
        "DataHandledLoggingHandler": "None",

I've also attempted the fully qualified name including namespace, but still no luck, logging still takes place.

I do use Serilog with Seq and Console sink right now, but got it hooked up to ILogger through the Serilog.Extensions.Logging package

CodePudding user response:

First of all there is no None option in Serilog's LogEventLevel enum. Try using Fatal for testing purposes. Also try specifying fully qualified name for DataHandledLoggingHandler (i.e. with full namespace - SomeThing.Something1....DataHandledLoggingHandler).

If this works but Fatal is not enough then you will need to resort to setting up this via code - see this answer.

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