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POST request using Mechanize to pull GUID from .aspx website


there is a website called enter image description here

In my script I dump out the form and the input fields required with the following:

my @forms = $mech->forms;
foreach my $form (@forms) {
  my @inputfields = $form->param;
  print Dumper \@inputfields;

resulting in

$VAR1 = [

and this is the post

my $mainpage = "https://www.guidgenerator.com/online-guid-generator.aspx";
$mech->post( "$mainpage",
     fields      => {
       'txtCount' => "1",
       'chkBase64' => "on",
       'LocalTimestampValue' => "Date().getTime()",
       'btnGenerate' => "Generate some GUIDs!",
       'txtResults' => "",
       '__EVENTTARGET' => 'on',
       '__EVENTARGUMENT', => 'on',
       '__LASTFOCUS', => 'on',
       '__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR' => "247C709F",
       '__VIEWSTATE' => 'on',
       '__EVENTVALIDATION' => 'on',
       'chkUppercase' => 'off',
       'chkBrackets' => 'off',
       'chkHypens' => 'off',
       'chkRFC7515' => 'off',
       'chkURL' => 'off',

When I do the trace on the website I get the headers but there is another tab called Payload. That contains most of the fields listed above. I try to input these fields into the POST but not sure if I should be doing this differently or it doesn't matter because its javascript?

enter image description here

I know this is a lot of information. I'm not even sure that perl's mechanize can pull this information. Any help would be appreciated. Please let me know any other data you want me to post here.

CodePudding user response:

You can use Mech's built-in stuff to do this. There is no need to submit any extra fields or headers.

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';

use WWW::Mechanize;

my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new;
$mech->field( txtCount => 10 );

say $mech->value('txtResults');

This will output something like:

$ perl mech.pl                                  

The crux here was that you cannot use $mech->submit as that wouldn't submit the value of the submit button. That's a bit annoying. So instead, you have to use $mech->click, which pretends the default form's default submit button was clicked, hence submitting that value as well. That's just how buttons work on forms, and in this case the backend checks the value to see which one was clicked.

You can then use $mech->value to get the field value out. You'd probably want to split it to process it further.

The JavaScript in this page is actually completely irrelevant to the functionality. All it does is save and restore the settings you've chosen in a cookie, so that when you come back the same checkboxes will be ticked. That's nice, but nowadays probably better done with local storage on the frontend side. However you don't have to deal with the JS at all to crawl this page. The main functionality is backend side.

You might also be interested in $mech->dump_forms, which is a nice debugging aid that prints out all the forms with fields and values. Another good debugging aid when working with Mech (or any LWP based class) is LWP::ConsoleLogger::Everywhere. That's what I used to compare my program's request with my browser's one to find the missing button form field.

Disclaimer: I am a maintainer of WWW::Mechanize and I wrote LWP::ConsoleLogger::Everywhere.

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