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How can I overcome problems with Dplyr grouping functions?


I'm trying to use the grouping function within dplyr in r. I'm working with the following data

serial_number entity start end length
1 banana 1 6 6
2 apple 4 8 5
3 pear 7 10 4
3 pear juice 7 16 10
3 juice 12 16 5
3 melon 1 5 5
4 guava 43 47 5
5 tomato 1 6 6
5 juice 8 12 5
5 tomato juice 1 12 12
6 grapes 9 14 6

For each serial number I am trying to extract the longest entity which starts or ends at the same point, I am expecting the following result:

serial_number entity start end length
1 banana 1 6 6
2 apple 4 8 5
3 pear juice 7 16 10
3 melon 1 5 5
4 guava 43 47 5
5 tomato juice 1 12 12
6 grapes 9 14 6

I am trying to group the data in dplyr and have tried the following to group by serial number and then start (will also need to do similar for end locations).

example_data <- data.frame(serial_number=c(1,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,5,6),
                           entity=c("banana","apple","pear","pear juice","juice","melon","guava","tomato","juice","tomato juice","grapes"),

example_data <- dplyr::group_by(example_data, serial_number)
example_data <- dplyr::group_by(example_data, start)
results_test <- dplyr::filter(example_data, length==max(length))

However this yields the following, I have tried other things and I think I have a fundamental misunderstanding of using the group_by function, particularly recursively (i.e. a group and then a further sub-group)

serial_number entity start end length
2 apple 4 8 5
3 pear juice 7 16 10
3 juice 12 16 5
5 guava 43 47 5
5 juice 8 12 5
6 tomato juice 1 12 12
7 grapes 9 14 6

Any advice gratefully received.

CodePudding user response:

It is just that when we call the group_by multiple times, it overrides the grouping with the last call unless we call .add = TRUE. Here, we don't need to do multiple group_by, as a single group_by can take more than one variable

 example_data %>%
  group_by(serial_number, grp = cumsum(start == 1)) %>% 
  slice_max(length) %>% 
  group_by(serial_number) %>% 
  arrange(start, desc(end), .by_group = TRUE) %>%
  filter(!duplicated(start)) %>%
  ungroup %>%


 # A tibble: 7 × 5
  serial_number entity       start   end length
          <dbl> <chr>        <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1             1 banana           1     6      6
2             2 apple            4     8      5
3             3 melon            1     5      5
4             3 pear juice       7    16     10
5             4 guava           43    47      5
6             5 tomato juice     1    12     12
7             6 grapes           9    14      6
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