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How to use Qt MediaDevices type to switch AudioOutput device


I think I'm missing something here, but I can't figure out how to set a AudioOutput device from MediaDevices audioOutputs list with the QML Components

audioOutput: AudioOutput {
    id: playerOutput
    device: mediaDevices.defaultAudioOutput
    onDeviceChanged: {
        console.log("Output device changed "   device)

    Component.onCompleted: {

MediaDevices {
    id: mediaDevices

The 2 devices are showing:

QAudioDevice(2, Built in earpiece (IN2023), false, Output),
QAudioDevice(3, Built in speaker (IN2023), false, Output)

but I don't understand how to change it, I've tried playerOutput.setDevice() description and id but it wants a QAudioDevice (it only provides description, id and mode, the documentation for both is very vague:

This property can be used to select an output device from the QtMultimedia::MediaDevices::audioOutputs() list.

enter image description here

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