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Saving multiple panda dataframes in one excel worksheet out of a for loop


As a follow up on my experiments, I need to increase the reagents I want to test. I was able to create a for loop which takes the concentration and amounts of a excel file, and creates pivot tables/data frames which show me the concentration as Index/Header and the amounts to pipet in the cells. However, I struggle at saving them into a single worksheet since they are multiple dataframes. My current approach results in an TypeError: unhashable type: 'DataFrame'

Here is the starting data:

6-BAP_Conc TDZ_Conc Picloram_Conc 2,4D_Conc Dicamba_Conc 6-BAP_Vol TDZ_Vol Picloram_Vol 2,4D_Vol Dicamba_Vol
0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.1 0.5 1 1 1 0.337875 0.33039 0.14487 0.132624
1.0 1.0 10 10 10 3.37875 0.6607799999999999 1.4487 1.32624
5.0 2.0 20 20 20 16.89375 1.32156 2.8974 2.65248

Starting Data from excel file

So here is my approach:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product

df = pd.read_excel("BlueTest.xlsx")

with pd.ExcelWriter('test3.xlsx', engine='xlsxwriter') as writer:
    workbook = writer.book
    worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('Result')
    writer.sheets['Result'] = worksheet

row = 0

for x in ["6-BAP", "TDZ"]:
    for y in ["Picloram","2,4D","Dicamba"]:
        df1 = df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith(x)]
        df2 = df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith(y)]
        my_product = list(product(df1[f"{x}_Vol"], df2[f"{y}_Vol"]))
        my_product_str = [str(a)   "uL" for a in my_product]
        my_product_str_np = np.array(my_product_str)
        my_product_str_np = my_product_str_np.reshape(len(df1), len(df2))
        dfn = pd.DataFrame(my_product_str_np, index=df1[f"{x}_Conc.1"], columns=df2[f"{y}_Conc"])
        row  = 1
        dfn.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Results", startrow= row, startcol=COLUMN)
        row  = dfn.shape[0] 2

I would really appreciate some help with this, since im struggeling hard with these kind of things and python.

CodePudding user response:

This works for me

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from itertools import product

#reading the table you pasted 
df = pd.read_clipboard()

#the function that will append new data or create an empty dataframe
def append_df(df_data, df_result):
    if df_data.empty:
        df_data  = df_result
        df_data = df_data.append(other=df_result, ignore_index=True, sort=False)

    return df_data

#seems you have and error in the table so here I am sorting it out (error when comparing table to the picture(TDZ_Vol Picloram_Vol are in one column and not separate))
df=df.rename(columns={"TDZ_Vol Picloram_Vol":"TDZ_Vol"})
df = df.assign(Picloram_Vol=[0,0.14487,0.14487,2.8974])

for x in ["6-BAP", "TDZ"]:
    for y in ["Picloram","2,4D","Dicamba"]:
        df1 = df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith(x)]
        df2 = df.loc[:,df.columns.str.startswith(y)]
        my_product = list(product(df1[f"{x}_Vol"], df2[f"{y}_Vol"]))
        my_product_str = [str(a)   "uL" for a in my_product]
        my_product_str_np = np.array(my_product_str)
        my_product_str_np = my_product_str_np.reshape(len(df1), len(df2))
        dfn = pd.DataFrame(my_product_str_np, index=df1[f"{x}_Conc"], columns=df2[f"{y}_Conc"])
        #reseting index as concentrations can be different
        #reating a row with your column names (as concetrations can be different )
        dfn=pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([dfn.columns, dfn]))
        #using the function top append data
        df_data = append_df(df_data, dfn)
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