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Generic function getting optional property value with default value


There is an object type like below X. Note that all properties are optional, their types are different, and for some properties, null is a valid value.

type X = {
  a?: number | null;
  b?: string;
  c?: boolean | null;

Now, for convenience, I want to make a function to get one of the X's property values. The function can accept a default value and return it if the property is missing.

The function I wrote is below:

function get<K extends keyof X>(k: K, x: X, defaultValue: Required<X>[K]): Required<X>[K] {
  const v = x[k];
  return v !== undefined ? v : defaultValue;

Because the properties are optional, I used Required<X>[K] to get the valid property type (excluding undefined).

My expected results are:

// a: number | null = 12345
const a = get('a', {}, 12345);
// b: string = 'bar'
const b = get('b', { b: 'bar' }, '?');
// c: boolean | null = null
const c = get('c', {}, null);

But I got the following compiler error at the return statement of the get function.

Type 'Required<X>[K] | (X[K] & ({} | null))' is not assignable to type 'Required<X>[K]'.
  Type 'X[K] & null' is not assignable to type 'Required<X>[K]'.
    Type 'X[K] & null' is not assignable to type 'never'.

I guess there is a mistake in the function (probably around the use of Required), but I can't solve it.

Thank you.

CodePudding user response:

When you are testing for v !== undefined TypeScript will narrow the type of v to X[K] & ({} | null). This intersection type, excludes undefined from the value type using an intersection.

Required<X>[K] does a similar thing, but there is actually a corner case where it does not remove undefined from K, when the property type includes undefined, but the property is not optional:

//number | undefined
type XX = Required<{ o: undefined | number }>['o']

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Even though Required<X>[K] is more permissive than X[K] & ({} | null) (allowing X[K] - optional undefined) TypeScript will not be able to follow the mapped type to arrive at this conclusion.

The simplest solution would be to define a NotUndefined undefined that is similar to how TypeScript excludes undefined from v that we can use for both the return value and for the defautlValue parameter:

type NotUndefined<T> = T & ({} | null)

function get<K extends keyof X>(k: K, x: X, defaultValue: NotUndefined<X[K]>): NotUndefined<X[K]>  {
  const v = x[k];
  return v !== undefined ? v : defaultValue;

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The version above does not allow undefined for the default value if the property was required and it had undefined explicitly in it's type (ex { d: boolean | null | undefined; }).

You could preserve the original behavior, by reverting defaultValue back to Required<X>[K] and adding it in a union with NotUndefined<X[K]> to the return type:

function get<K extends keyof X>(k: K, x: X, defaultValue: Required<X>[K]): Required<X>[K] | NotUndefined<X[K]>  {
  const v = x[k];
  return v !== undefined ? v : defaultValue;

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