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How do i remove whitespace from a string from a list?


I have this bash script that lists all the jobs on jenkins. I have jobs with spaces within them and some without.

for job in $(java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_URL -auth admin:admin list-jobs)
    file_name="$(echo "$job" | sed 's/ /-/g').xml"
    echo $file_name
    java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s $JENKINS_URL get-job $job > $file_name

I have jobs called for example:

  • new job
  • test-job

When I run this script however I get the following result:


Instead I would like to output:


What am I missing here?

CodePudding user response:

Bash for loops splits when they see any whitespace like space, tab, or newline. So, you should use IFS (Internal Field Separator)

If lines end with "\n", try adding IFS=$'\n' before the loop (you can use unset IFS to reset it later)

You have a lot of examples here: How do I split a string on a delimiter in Bash?

CodePudding user response:

Space is also assigned to IFS by default and is respected during word splitting.

There are three common solutions here: First is to set IFS to $'\n' temporily, as already suggested by Atxulo. Second is to use a while read loop against a process substitution instance, which is useful for large or indefinite inputs. Third is to use readarray which stores all input to an array. This one I believe being most practical to your problem.

readarray -t jobs < <(java ...)

for job in "${jobs[@]}"; do

Your script also has other issues. First is unnecessary use of sed. Just use ${param//pat/rep}. You also allow multiple variables to undergo word splitting unnecessarily. Quote them.

Read the Bash manual for details.

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