Home > front end >  Is it possible to deduce the function return type from the parameter function?
Is it possible to deduce the function return type from the parameter function?


For educational reasons i'm trying to create the simple Option type in zig. This is my attempt, and it seems to work correctly:

fn Opt(comptime T: type) type {
    return union(enum) {
        some: T,
        none: void,

        pub fn of(x: T) Opt(T) {
            return .{ .some = x };

        pub fn map(self: @This(), comptime R: type, comptime mapFn: fn (x: T) R) Opt(R) {
            return switch (self) {
                .none => .none,
                .some => Opt(R).of(mapFn(self.some)),

So, the map takes the function and returns the Opt(R), which in turn has the mapFn return type. What bothers me, is that you have to explicitly pass the R type to map:

const opt: Opt(i32) = Opt(i32).of(101);

const newOpt = opt.map(f32, struct {
    fn f(x: i32) f32 {
        return 1.0   @intToFloat(f32, x);

My question is: can i avoid passing type (f32) in opt.map(f32,... call? Looks like it should be possible to deduce it from the mapFn return type.

Is it even possible in zig?

CodePudding user response:

It is possible as long as the function is not generic (eg has 'anytype' as an arg).

pub fn map(self: @This(), comptime mapFn: anytype) Opt(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(mapFn)).Fn.return_type.?) {
    const R = @typeInfo(@TypeOf(mapFn)).Fn.return_type.?;

Unfortunately, doing this makes errors and editor support worse and it can be harder to understand the type of the function

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