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Mockito how to mock Optional.map().orElseThrow()


today I come across below problem-
I'm doing an Udemy course and I try to test below method:

public GroupReadModel createGroup(LocalDateTime deadline, Integer projectId) {
    if (!configurationProperties.getTemplate().isAllowMultipleTasks() && taskGroupRepository.existsByDoneIsFalseAndProject_Id(projectId)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Only one undone group form project is allowed");

    TaskGroup result = projectRepository.findById(projectId)
            .map(project -> {
                TaskGroup taskGroup = new TaskGroup();
                        .map(step -> Task.createNewTask(step.getDescription(), deadline.plusDays(step.getDaysToDeadline())))
                return taskGroupRepository.save(taskGroup);
            }).orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException(String.format("No project with ID %d found", projectId)));

    return new GroupReadModel(result);

Here is test method:

class ProjectServiceTest {

    private ProjectService projectService;

    private ProjectRepository projectRepository;
    private TaskGroupRepository taskGroupRepository;
    private TaskConfigurationProperties configurationProperties;
    private TaskConfigurationProperties.Template template;

    static class ProjectServiceTestConfig {
        ProjectService projectService(ProjectRepository projectRepository, TaskGroupRepository taskGroupRepository, TaskConfigurationProperties configurationProperties ){
            return new ProjectService(projectRepository, taskGroupRepository, configurationProperties);

    void should_return_new_group_read_model() {
        LocalDateTime deadline = LocalDateTime.now();
        Integer projectId = 99;
        Project projectById = new Project(projectId, "test project");
        projectById.setProjectSteps(Set.of(new ProjectStep("test1", 2)));
        TaskGroup taskGroupSaved = TaskGroup.CreateNewTaskGroup(projectById.getDescription(), Set.of(Task.createNewTask("test1", LocalDateTime.now())));
        GroupReadModel expectedResult = new GroupReadModel(taskGroupSaved);

        GroupReadModel result = projectService.createGroup(deadline, projectId);

        assertEquals(expectedResult, result);

My problem is that


resulting java.util.NoSuchElementException: No project with ID 99 found
like it was never mocked. What is interesting to me, this will work for below:

Project projectById = projectRepository.findById(projectId)
        .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException(String.format("No project with ID %d found", projectId)));
TaskGroup taskGroup = new TaskGroup();
        .map(step -> Task.createNewTask(step.getDescription(), deadline.plusDays(step.getDaysToDeadline())))

As you can see, first I'm getting my object from repository, then the rest of logic takes place. However I wonder what do I do wrong so it will not work with mapping

MapResult result = projectRepository.findById(projectId)

Please advise what do I do wrong, an how can I correct that?

CodePudding user response:

You returned null from the .map() call, thus you fall into orElseThrow().

null comes from return taskGroupRepository.save(taskGroup);

The repository is a mock, save is not stubbed, thus null is returned.

On top if that:

You dont need to mock everything

If any of your objects are POJOs, construct them with desired state instead of mocking.

Simplify test setup

@SpringBootTest may be an overkill for your test. @MockitoExtension, @Mock and @InjectMocks should be enough.

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