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How i get views.py variable to js file?



def somefunction(request):
    var = True 

    return render(request, dasboard.html)


function myFunction() {

How I get var from views.py into the myfirst.js function?

CodePudding user response:

It isn't possible to give a 100% correct answer without knowing the templating engine you are using (DTL, Jinja2?). However, if var doesn't contain any sensitive/private data, the general solution is to pass var to your html template through the context parameter of the render function:

# views.py

def somefunction(request):
    var = True 
    context = { "var": var }
    return render(request, dasboard.html, context)

Then, expose var as a data-* attribute on a html element in your template (the exact implementation will change based on the templating engine you are using):

<!-- dashboard.html -->

<div id="info" data-var="{{ var }}" >

Finally, in your javascript file, you simply retrieve the same html element and access var through the special dataset property:

// myfirst.js

function myFunction() {
    var infoElement = document.getElementById("info");
    var varValue = infoElement.dataset.var;
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