Home > front end >  Iis deployment vue project how to solve the problem of the entry file cache
Iis deployment vue project how to solve the problem of the entry file cache


Ask for advice, already in vue. Config. Js set package released, file with the version number and in the index. The HTML Settings not cache
Const Timestamp=new Date (). GetTime ();
ConfigureWebpack: {
Output: {
//output reconstruction package compiled file name [module name, version number. The timestamp]
Filename: ` [name]. ${process. The env. VUE_APP_Version}. ${Timestamp}. Js `,
ChunkFilename: ` [name]. ${process. The env. VUE_APP_Version}. ${Timestamp}. Js `,

<meta HTTP - equiv="cache-control" content="no - Cache, no - store, must - revalidate"/& gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="Cache" content="no - Cache" & gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="Pragma" content="no - cache"/& gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="Expires" content="0"/& gt;
<meta name="viewport"
The content="width=device - width, target - densitydpi=high - dpi, initial - scale=1.0, the minimum - scale=1.0, the maximum - scale=1.0, user - scalable=no"/& gt;

So the compiled CSS and js files are added to the version number, but after each update deployment, users have to clear the browser cache to see the latest page, don't know what the reason, baidu found that most of the solution is based on the nginx deployment project to the server is not configured to cache the index, HTML, and want to know iis deployment project how to solve the problem of the entry file cache (and pagoda panel deployment? How to remove the entry file cache)
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