Home > front end >  [with] consult a js writing: real-time access to multiple input values and splicing display
[with] consult a js writing: real-time access to multiple input values and splicing display


needs: to monitor the input motion, real-time tips,

Online to find a piece of code, it is a single input real-time tips, following
can run normally,
 & lt; div>  

Var oBtn_title=document. GetElementById (' showtips_title ');
Var oTi_all=document. GetElementById (' showtips_all ');

If (' the oninput oBtn_title) in {
OBtn_title. AddEventListener (" input ", getWord, false);
} else {
OBtn_title. Onpropertychange=getWord;

The function getWord () {
OTi_all. InnerHTML=oBtn_title. Value;

Now have more than one input, need combination shows in showtips_all,
No, because your skill didn't change success,
 & lt; div> 

Now want to add showtips_subject with showtips_date also entered the hints in the text,
(hint text consists of three segments: showtips_subject showtips_date showtips_title

Please give directions!

CodePudding user response:

The three variables, and then one by one to monitor records can be...
Let the subject=' ';
Let the date=' ';
Let the title=' ';

Showtips_subject. Onchange=function () {
Subject=this. The value;
Showall ()
Showtips_date. The oninput=function () {
Value; the date=this.
Showall ()
Showtips_title. The oninput=function () {
Title=this. Value
Showall ()

The function showall () {
Showtips_all. InnerHTML=` ${subject} ${date} ${title} `

CodePudding user response:


Var sub=document. GetElementById (' showtips_subject),
The date=document. GetElementById (' showtips_date),
Title=the document. The getElementById (' showtips_title),
All=document. GetElementById (' showtips_all ')
Document. The addEventListener (' input ', function () {
All the innerHTML=sub. Value + date. Value
value + title.})
Sub. Onchange=function () {
All the innerHTML=sub. Value + date. Value
value + title.}
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