Home > front end >  Consult everybody, the younger brother grateful!!!!! JS in the document. Write (' <iframe SR
Consult everybody, the younger brother grateful!!!!! JS in the document. Write (' <iframe SR


Index.html is:
Window. The onl oad=function () {
The function be () {
Window. The open (" javascript: document. Write (" & lt; The iframe src=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/ d:/web/test. The HTML (display)/test. The HTML (not shown) height=850 width=662 & gt; </iframe>" ); Document. The close () ', null, 'height=850, width=505, top=20, left=100, _blank, toolbar=no, menubar=no, location=no, status=no ");
OBtn=document. QuerySelector (' # open - btn01 ');
OBtn/' onclick=function () {
Be ();

Test. The HTML for any content, such as & lt; P> Hello

Nor, according to
The above HTML and test. The HTML (web) in the same directory,
Consult everybody, the younger brother grateful!!!!!

CodePudding user response:

Write a path relative to the root directory

CodePudding user response:

To try the following
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