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Consult an apache pseudo static problem


Version 2.4

rules are as follows:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond % {REQUEST_FILENAME}! - d
RewriteCond % {REQUEST_FILENAME}! The -f
RewriteRule ^ (. *) $index. PHP? A=$1 [QSA, PT, L]

A/b/c. the TML actual access is index. The PHP? A=a/b/c. HTML -- -- -- right
D/b/c. the TML actual access is index. The PHP? A=d/b/c. HTML -- -- -- right
As long as is the beginning of the problems, such as
Index/b/c. the TML actual access is index. The PHP/b/c. HTML and my expectation is to visit the index. The PHP? A=index/b/c. HTML -

The same apache environment, multiple projects, are all use the same rules of pseudo static, each project of the host configuration is the same, but some project there is no problem, some project appears above the problem, I ask you brother, be obliged!
The project host configuration (

DocumentRoot "D:/wamp/WWW/a/"
ServerName a.c n

DocumentRoot "D:/wamp/WWW/b/"
ServerName biggest n
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