Home > front end >  Django 2.1.1 configured MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT, still can't show the pictures? Ask god to hel
Django 2.1.1 configured MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT, still can't show the pictures? Ask god to hel


1, first post configuration, paste the code
Urls. Py configuration below

Settings. Py configuration below

Models. Py code

The HTML template file

2, the phenomenon that
A. upload pictures function is normal, is shown not to
B. request pictures, 200 response, but began to jump to the login page directly, because I make each class inherits LoginRequiredMixin
C. phenomenon map

CodePudding user response:

{% for image images in %}

{% endfor %}


Path (' 'views. The up; PadImg),
] + static (Settings. MEDIA_URL document_root=Settings. MEDIA_ROOT)


Def uploadImg (request) :
If the request. POST:
Img=request. FILES. Getlist (" img ")
For f in img:
Imgs=Img (img_url=f)
Imgs. The save ()
Images=Img. Objects. All ()
Return render (request, 'imgShow. HTML' {} 'images: images)

Return render (request, 'imgUpload. HTML)

CodePudding user response:

Not set routing urls. Py
The corresponding project in the project directory in the directory urls. Py files to add:
# configuration upload file access to the processing function
The url (r '^ media/? P . *) $', serve, {" document_root ": Settings. MEDIA_ROOT}),
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