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ASP in front of the decimal point is zero does not display, hard teacher help have a look


Hard in front of the decimal point is zero, according to the teacher for help see

<% Server. The ScriptTimeOut=120% & gt;

<meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=gb2312 "& gt;
<% if InStr (lcase (Request. ServerVariables (" http_user_agent ")), "mobile") & gt; 0 or InStr (lcase (Request. ServerVariables (" http_user_agent ")), "phone") & gt; 0 then % & gt;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0, the maximum - scale=1.0, user - scalable=0"/& gt;
<% end if % & gt;
<%=session (" DWMC ") % & gt; <%=session (" XTMC ") % & gt;
<style type="text/CSS" & gt;
Body {
Background - image: url (images/chaxiu. JPG);
- & gt;

The function closewin () {
Window. The opener=null;
Window. The close ();

The function useful () {
If (document. Form2. Dangqianye value!="1")
Document. The form2. Dangqianye. Value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/1";
Document. Form2. Submit ();

The function zq () {
If (document. Form2. Dangqianye value! Value)=document. Form2. Zongyeshu.
Document. Form2. Dangqianye. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/document.form2.zongyeshu.value;
Document. Form2. Submit ();

The function hyc () {
If (parseInt (value). The document form2. Dangqianye. & gt; 1)
Document. Form2. Dangqianye. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/String (parseInt (document. Form2. Dangqianye. Value) - 1);
Document. Form2. Submit ();
The function qyc () {
If (parseInt (value). The document form2. Dangqianye. & lt; ParseInt (value). The document form2. Zongyeshu.)
Document. Form2. Dangqianye. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/String (parseInt (value). The document form2. Dangqianye. + 1);
Document. Form2. Submit ();
The function xz () {
If (document. Form2. Dangqianye value! Value)=document. Form2. Select.
Document. Form2. Dangqianye. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/document.form2.select.value;
Document. Form2. Submit ();
//document. GetElementById (" daxiao "). The width=screen. AvailWidth;


'On the Error Resume Next
If the session (" chaxunhao ")="" then the response. The Redirect (" index. The asp")

If the Request. The QueryString (" dangqianye ") & lt;>" "Then dangqianye=CInt (trim (Request. The QueryString (" dangqianye"))) the else dangqianye=1
'if the year (now) & gt;=2017 and int (RND () * 100) & gt; Flagx then the response. The End ()
% & gt;
<% if the session (" JMBZBZ ")=false then the response. The End () % & gt;

<% if the session (" filenumbers ")=0 then
Response. Write (" & lt; Tr> I'm sorry, not your data information & lt;/td> " )
The Response. The End ()
End the if
% & gt;
<% if the session (" KZQX ")=true then % & gt;
StrAddr=Server. MapPath (". \ Database \ "& amp; Filename)
The set of excel=server. Createobject (" adodb. Connection ")
% & gt; Set the rs=server. CreateObject (" adodb. You ")
Sql="Select" & amp; The session (" CXM ") & amp;" The From [Sheet1 $]
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