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Taobao union promote reaction js invoked after the component configuration


& lt; ! DOCTYPE html>
& lt; html>
& lt; head>
& lt; Meta charset="GBK" & gt;
& lt; title> & lt;/title>
& lt;/head>
& lt; body>
& lt; script type="text/javascript">
(function (win, doc) {
Var s=doc. The createElement method (" script "), h=doc. GetElementsByTagName (" head ") [0];
if (! Win. Alimamatk_show) {
S.c harset="GBK";
S.a sync=true;
S.s rc="http://a.alimama.cn/tkapi.js";
H.i nsertBefore (s, h.f irstChild);
Var o={
Pid: "mm_112701476_XXXXXXX", promote cell ID/*, used to distinguish between different marketing channels */
Appkey: "XXXXXXX",/* through the TOP platform application appkey, set the boot after clinch a deal will be associated appkey */
Unid: "888",/* custom statistical fields */
Type: "click"/* click component marks the entrance (use the click components will set) */
Win. Alimamatk_onload=win. Alimamatk_onload | | [];
Win. Alimamatk_onload. Push (o);
}) (Windows, document);
& lt;/script>
& lt; A data - type="17" data - TMPL="300 x360" data - tmplid="303" biz - loc_name="wuhan" biz - loc_code="" biz - check_in=" "biz - check_out=" "data - rd=" 2 "data - style=" 1 "data - border=" 1 "href=" https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/# "& gt; & lt;/a>
& lt;/body>
& lt;/html>

CodePudding user response:

I also had a problem, I just ask how to solve, to determine how to infuse water?
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